Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Introducing Your Artist

Now that we have our blog set up and ready to go, you will be introducing your artist to the other members of the group. You will write a few lines about your artist in the first person. The guidelines are:

1. Include a salutation (say ‘Hello’ in the voice of your person). Could be in their native language or in their own personal style.

2. Let us all know what they are known for (What kind of art do they make? What is their most famous accomplishment?).

3. List two interesting facts about them (Tell us two things that you find interesting about them).

Here is an example for my artist of choice Henri Matisse

Bonjour mon ami! My name is Henri Matisse. I am an artist of many different genres but am best known for my paintings and paper cut-outs. I was initially labeled as a ‘fauvist’ (meaning : wild beast) but during the WWII era, my art was considered ‘degenerative’ by the invading Nazis and I was not allowed to show my work. Ms. Andreadis has a copy of my painting Large Red Interior (1948) in her kitchen. She is so tres’ magnifique! (Here is Ms. Andreadis at the Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, July 2007 seeing the original Matisse painting.)

Introduction is due by 11:59pm Friday, February 10, 2012.


  1. Hello, my name is Fats Waller. I am known for my ragtime piano style and arrangements of music. My most famous accomplishment would have to be the piece I wrote called, "Ain't No Misbehavin'". I appeared in the movie "King of Burlesque" and also I also started playing piano when I was 6.

  2. Hello, my name is Aphra Behn and I love to write plays. The Rover is my favorite play, by my favorite playwrite: myself! I am very succesful for a person of my craft because it is very rare that writers in London are able to support themselves just by writing. But that is because I am far more superior than other writers- despite what the public eye thinks about women and their capabilities. I am very good at proving people that women are just as good as men, mabey even better!

  3. Hi! My name is Lillian Lorraine. I am one of the famous Ziegfeld Follies. I am , in part, famous for my work on Broadway. I am also known for my relationship with Florenz Ziegfeld. I blossomed after the show " Miss Innocence", and became a regular in Florenz's Broadway shows.

  4. Witam ludzi z blogu! My name is Helena Modjeska.. I am an actress, but best known for my Shakespearean work. (If I should say so myself) Some would say I am the Polish Diva of Theatre...well...yes. What's new? I was born in Krakow, Poland October 12, 1840. Gotta go, call time!

  5. Hello my darlings, my name is Gloria May Josepine Svensson but I go by Gloria Swanson. I was the highest paid actress in Hollywood and I am known for being in the movies The Pullmans Bride and Shifting Sands. In my life I have been married seven times with two kids. I was nominated for the best actress Oscars award for the role of Sandi Tompson in Sandi Tompson. I just want to say a famous quote of mine "I have decided that when I am a star, I will be every inch and every moment a star!" So shine on my darling stars

  6. Hello dearies! My name is Dame Ellen Terry. I was born into a family of actors, and I have been acting since I was a child. I joined Henry Irving's acting company and became the leading Shakespearean and comic actress in Britain. My most famous roles were Portia in "The Merchant of Venice" and Beatrice in "Much Ado About Nothing."

  7. Ciao, i miei amici! My name is Filippo Taglioni and I am an Italian dancer, choreographer, but most of all I’m the father of the romantic ballet. I’m known for training the exquisite and beautiful Marie, my daughter (seriously when I saw how badly she was dancing in Paris I had to do something). I am also the choreographer of the famous ballet “La Sylphide". No it was not Bournonville it was me, capito? I don’t know why is he getting credit for that one…

  8. Hello! My name is Paul Robeson. I am one of the first African American men to play serious roles in a primarily white theather. I contributed as an entertainer to the Allied forces during World War II and also preformed on the Show Boat.

  9. Ciao mi amicci. I am the infamous composer Giuseppe Martucci. I have been into music since I was a bambino for my father was a bandmaster. My sister, Teresa, and I were placed into the Naples Conservatory on the same program none the less. I was there for seven years until my padre pulled me out for piano. it will be a pleasure meeting you all. Ciao!

  10. Hello my name is Georgia O'keeffe. They say I am one of America's best woman artists. I was born is Sun Prairie, Wisconsin in 1887. I always knew I was going to be an artist and went to collage to study art in Chicago and soon found my way to New York City. I spent a few years teaching but found I wanted to paint full time. Things really took off when I met Alfred Stieglitz who is a very wonderful photographer and gallery owner said,"At last a woman on paper." My first show caused quite a stir in his gallery.
    Over the years I have continued to paint large flower paintings and many landscapes especially in my beloved New Mexico. I never paint people; landscapes are what I love. My favorite medium is water color and oil paint. I love to spend long hours working out in nature, and becoming one with my paintings.

  11. Bonjour my fellow artists, as im sure you have all heard of me i am the famous and talented Francois Dauverne. If you have not then you are lacking culture and elegance. my entire family has been in the music business for decades. My brothers and i are all in a brass ensemble and perform all over the world. my talents far exceed that of anyone elses so please read about me and the elegance that is trumpet playing.

  12. Hello there!! My name is Praskovia Kovalyova but I also go by Zhemchugova. I am Russian actress and a soprano opera singer. I've been told that I was one of the best opera singers in the 18th century, and trust me, I live up to that title!My fist performance was in 1779 in a serf theatre (since I'm a serf)and I played the role of Gubert in L'Amitie. I also played the role of Belinda in the opera La colonie. That wasone of my best shows! Just to let you guys know I'm multi-talented. not only could I act but i can sing, speak and read french, and I could play the harp! Well that was a little bit about me, and trust me there is more to come!!

  13. Hei! Hauska tavata kaikki. My name is Bernhard Crusell. I am not only a clarinetist, but also a composer. I've been recognized as "the most significant and internationally best-known Finnish-born classical composer." I've always admired music ever since I was young, when I heard one of the shop assistants playing his flute for his own amusment. I remeber sitting there, with my ear pressed against the door admiring the sweet melodies. I started playing clarinet by learning from ear by a friend and then I recieved training from a member of the Nyland regimental band.

  14. Hello, I am Antonio Vivaldi! I am a composer of the Enlightenment era! I am best known for the music I have composed. I was born in Venice on March 4, 1678 and was orriginally supposed to study to become a priest, but health problems kept me from that. Instead, I became a violin teacher at an orphanage for girls. Not only did I compose music, but I also played the violin myself. I have composed over 500 concertos, 50 operas, and 73 sonatas, but my most famous work is The Four Seasons.

  15. Hola a mi compañero artista de muchos tipos! I am Pablo Picasso which is short of my name of 23 words, honoring various saints and relatives. I started expressing my talent at a very young age painting in a realistic manner. I'm a sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist, and stage designer; But I'm better known for my magnífico paintings. One of my famous paintings is "Guernica" which is a portrayal of the German bombing of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War. My first word as a baby was "Pencil", and by 13 my father Ruiz vowed to give up painting because he felt that I had surpassed him. My revolutionary artistic accomplishments brought me universal honor and great fortune, making me one of the best-known figures in 20th century art.

  16. Hello my name is Ninette Valois. I was born near the town in Blessington, County Wicklow, Ireland. I am a dancer, teacher, and choreographer. I am known for dancing professionally with Serge Diaghilev's Ballet Russes. I established the Royal Ballet. People sometimes think of me of the 'godmother' of English ballet.

  17. Dia Duit! My name is John Brougham, I am an Irish actor/play write. I have produced over 100 works in my life time, and I am best known for my comedic acting and play writing. On a trip to New York I lost all my money to the new game of, Poker. My wife who was with me left me, but don't worry i soon married again. I went to Boston but soon returned to New York to open the Lyceum theater which soon closed because the public thought the theater to have unsafe walls. I soon went to England then Ireland, and then back to New York. I have Traveled a lot, and In the future i will share all of my wonderful journeys with you.

  18. Good day my good friends!! My name is Hannah Pritchard. While I first attracted attention as a singer at the Bartholomew Fair, I am best known for my talent in the art of acting.My most famous role was Lady MacBeth, which is quite an interesting role I might add.I play a variety of characters, but I do mostly comedy.I worked in many acting companies including the Haymarket, the Covent Garden, and Drury Lane. At Drury Lane I worked with David Garrick who is a very influential actor who promoted realistic acting. I admire that man greatly.

  19. привет, hello! My name is Dmitri Shostakovich; I am a world renowned composer. I was born September 25, 1906 in St. Petersburg, Russia. I play piano and did a lot of my earlier compositions on the piano. One of my better known works is my Symphony No. 7 in C Major, Op. 60. "Today it is regarded as the major musical testament of the 25 million Soviet citizens who lost their lives in World War II due to the German invasion." I hope you all get a chance to listen to some of my works!

  20. Good evening. My name is George Gershwin. My passion is composing and piano playing. A few compositions I'm known for are Rhapsody in Blue and An American in Paris. I also wrote the opera Porgy and Bess. I've also collaborated with one of my brothers, Ira Gershwin. We wrote more then twelve Broadway shows including The Rainbow, Sweet Little Devil, and Let 'Em Eat Cake. I'm currently contracted with Fox Film Corporation and working on my film Delicious. Speaking of which I should probably get back to working on. Good day to you.

  21. Servus! My name is Franziska Elssler, but people i know call me Fanny. I was born on June 23 in Vienna, Austria. I am a very well known, highly payed dancer. I have undiminished success in London, Vienna, Berlin, Brussels, Budapest, St. Petersburg, Moscow, and Napels. I also toured the United States. Well, I must go, rehearsal is about to start!

  22. Guten Tag! My name is Werner Reinhart. I am best known as a composer/writer. Some people have given me the name "L'homme aux mains d'or." That means the man with the golden hands. Besides composing, I am also a Swiss industrialist, philanthropist, and an amateur clarinetist. I am good friens with Igor Stravinsky, and Rainer Maria Rilke.

  23. Helo Ceir! My name is Adelina Patti. I am a world renowned opera singer and I am one of the most famous sopranos in history. I am the daughter of two Italian opera singers but I grew up in Cuba. I started performing in front of an audience at age 7. During my teenage years I started giving concert tours with violinists Ole Bull, Louis Moreau Gottsonalk, and many others. I have lived in the Craig-y-Nos Castle in Breconshire since I purchased it in 1878. It would be highly appreciated if you listened to some of my work, because I am sure you will find it brilliant.

  24. Bonjour! My name is Pierre Beauchamp and I am a famous French ballet dancer. I was born in France and my parents were musicians, so you can say I come from a very artistic background. I would always dance for King Louis XIV. I'm a very interesting person. I actually decoded the five positions for ballet, making it a more serious practice. Also, King Louis XIV called me his favorite and the superintendent of ballet. You should go watch some of my remarkable ballets, I'm sure you will enjoy them.

  25. Hallo! My name is Anne Grant. I am best known for my published works such as Poems on Various Subjects, Letters from the Mountains, American Lady, The Highlanders and Other Poems. Though I was born in Scotland, I lived in New England for most of my childhood until my moved to New York in America in my early teens. I returned to Scotland for my late teens. In 1801 my husband and eight children died leaving me alone and in debt so I turned to writing.

  26. Hello, my name is Paul Nash. I am essentially a self-taught artist. I am known for my landscapes and symbolic paintings during WWI. Some of my most famous paintings are "Wood on the Downs," and "We Are Making A New World." It is said that I am the greatest British artist of my time (if I do say so myself).

  27. hej mitt namn är Jenny Lind! I am a swedish Opera Singer often known as the "Swedish Nightingale". I am one of the most highly regarded singers in the 19th century! I became famous after my performance in Der Freischütz, but soon later i suffered from vocal damage. My favorite voice teacher ever, Manuel García saved my voice. I did a most of my performances in Sweden and northern Europe. At the age of 29 I retired from opera.

  28. Ciao! I am Barbra Campanini and I am a famous Italian dancer. In case you didn’t know I am most famous for my amazing pirouettes and entrechat huit. An interesting fact about me is I was a student of Fossano Rinaldi. Also another interesting fact you might want to know about me is King Frederick II offered me a position at the Opera of Berlin, which by the way is where I performed from 1744 to 1748. Oh those were the good old days! Well I must go now so….Arrivederci, a presto!

  29. Good day, my friends. My name is Wilfred W. Gibson. I am a famous war poet. I served in the infantry on the western front during World War I. I have written many plays and poems. My most popular play is "Daily Bread", which was produced in 1910. I enjoy writing mostly about industrial workers and village laborers. You may think that I have been quiet too busy to write poetry, but on the contrary. I am always writing poetry.

  30. Hello everyone!I am Maria Malibran born in Paris, originally born as Maria Felicitas García Sitches, into the famous musical Garcias family, also known as mi familia. I'm a celebrated and one of the most famous Opera singers of the splendid 19th Century. My father is Manuel Garcia, he gave me many lessons but it was hard to work with him because we both had such strong personalities and egos, but I love my father. I'm a mezzo-soprano but do mostly Soprano and Contralto works. I've done many big roles but one of my early favorites was Rosina in The Barber of Seville. I've traveled and done many operas in Europe,singing the title role at the premiere of Donizetti's Maria Stuarda. Not to brag too much but I've also starred in The Maid of Artois. It's been said that my voice, its range, power and flexibility is extraordinary, I love music.

  31. Hello! My name is Charles Howard Crane and I am an American architect. I grew up in Connecticut, but i did most of my work the midwest. I built a lot of theaters. I am most known for The Orchestra Hall in Detroit, but I built plenty of other theaters such as The Liberty/Paramount Theatre in Youngstown, Ohio.

  32. Good day to you all! My name is Amy Beach. I am one of the first successful women in America to compose large-scale works of music. I am, perhaps, best known for my vocal, piano, and chamber music. I have been blessed with the gifts of perfect pitch and total recall, as well as an uncanny ability to play the piano beautifully. Once, I was even told that my performance of Chopin's Second Piano Concerto with the Boston Symphony Orchestra was "perfect". During my lifetime, I have composed about 300 pieces of music.

  33. Hello good people! My name is Harriet Beecher Stowe. I have published over thirty books but am best known for my best selling, anti-slavery novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Many believe that it set off the civil war, but I highly disagree. However, "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was a best seller in the United States, Britain, Europe, and Asia. It was also translated into over sixty languages. Something people don't know is that my family calls me "Hattie" instead of Harriet. Also, people just know me for writing "Uncle Tom's Cabin" but I have writtin more than just that. For example: In 1834, I began writing for the Western Monthly Magazine and was awarded a fifty-dollar prize for my tale "A New England Sketch."

  34. Hello, my name is Edward Elgar. I am an English composer of classical music. One of my most well known pieces of music is Pomp and Circumstance Marches. I was born in Broadheath, just outside of Worcester. When I was a kid, i helped my father in his piano shop in Worcester.

  35. Bonjour! Je m'appelle Étienne-Nicholas Méhul. I am a French Composer. After showing talent at the keyboard, i was sent to music school in Paris.My early compositions include vocal and instrumental work, but I made my "breakthrough" with my opera Euphrosine et Coradin.I composed four symphonies, ballets, cantatas, patriotic songs (including some for Napoleon), and piano concertos. Because of my 42 operas, I am known as one of the most important opera composer during th Revolution.I was also the first composer to be called a "Romantic" composer. À bientôt!

  36. Ciao miei cari amici! My name is Carlotta Grisi the great ballet dancer. Born in Italy and later learned my ballet skills in Milan, taught by the ballet master Jules Perrot . Im known for my estactic dancing as the role of Giselle. One other talent of mine is singing. But my dancing overrode it. By the age of 34 ive had two beautiful daughters.

  37. Bonjour! Mon nom est Elisabeth Rachel Félix but most people perfer to call me by my stage name Rachel. I am one of the first Jewish actress of my time and I first appeared in the Gymnase theater in 1837. This was the theater in which I made my daybute in Paul Dupont's "La Vendéenne." I am most famous for my work in the dramatic five act tradgy Phèdre. Many remember my acting style by my clear diction and poetic style of line delivery. I love performing and I have been doing it ever since I was a little girl when I use to sing with my gutar at the cafes in Paris!

  38. Hallo meine freunde! My name is Adolph Zukor, I started out in Ricse, Hungary but soon emigrated to New York where I lived with my family and worked in an upholstery shop. Not only did I eventually found Paramount Pictures, which used to be known as Famous Players Film Company when we distributed French films to the Americans, but I also was a director and a producer of movies. I was able to put all major parts of making movies (production distribution, and display)into one single company.

  39. Hello! My name is Lillian Gish, and I am an actress. I am most famous for my work in silent films such as The Birth of the Nation, The Scarlet Letter, and Orphans of the Storm. I made my stage debut at five and have loved it ever since! I’ve played a wide range of characters throughout the years. Many say I am best as an innocent heroine...but who are they to judge! Goodbye until next time my darlings!

  40. Cheers! My name is Catherine Clive, but I am better known as Kitty. I am an english comidic actress and one of the origianal members of David Garrick's company. When I was 17, I became a member of the company on Dury Lane. Later in my life, I accepted the part of Hamlet and sang oratorio parts for my friend Handle.

  41. Hello all. My name is Elizabeth Inchbald and I am a novelist, dramatist, and an actress. Although I am not best known for my acting roles, more so for my novels and plays. My two novels were very successful and showed a lot of my political opinions especially involving womens' liberation. I am said to be very beautiful even though I made a debut on stage as a man. I have broken some gender roles and I am proud of that.

  42. Good evening to all. I would love to introduce myself. My name is William Billings and I am an American choral composer. I am also known as "the father of American choral". I used to lack any formal music training. My wife and I have six children. When I was in my early teens my father had past away which ment I lost my formal schooling. All of my pieces are writen in four part chorus a cappella. My complete works are set into hymms and anthems such as; The New England psalm-singer,The Singing Masters Assistant, Music in Miniature, The Psalm-Singer's Amusement, The Suffolk Harmony, and The Continental Harmony.I write the lyrics for my compositions.Some of the notes and words would be forceful and vivid.

  43. Hello! My name is Ned Shuter. I am an English actor who is known as the greatest comic genius by David Garrick. Some of my famous work was being the original Old Hardcastle and Sir Anthony Absolute in "The Liar" and Justice Woodcock in "Love in a Village". If I'm not acting or drinking I'm at church. I'm sure if you see me on stage you will be sure to have a good laugh!

  44. Guten Tag! My name is Friedrich Gustav Max Schreck. I am one of the most prestigious stage actors in Germany during the 1910s, and I am best known for my debut appearance as Nosferatu in the self-titled movie. Unfortunately, the company that had hired me as Nosferatu was soon sued for legal troubles regarding the movie. I wa never in another movie, and after this credit, I rarely appeared anywhere else. My one true appearance, however, will plague the dreams of small children for decades to come.

  45. Bonjour! My name is Marie-Jeanne Bertin but i go by the name Rose a Fashion designer, i started out as an assistant at a younge age and not long after i opened my own shop. My shop is called "Grand Mogol" and i had many noble people come to it. One of my best customers was Marie Antoinette but i dressed many Queens and other royalty. You may know me for my famous gowns that many royal people wear to balls and such.

  46. Bonjour! My name is Anne Francoise Elisabeth Lange. I am an actrist, and I have been in many plays and musicals. In fact, my official debut was in 1788, and I played Lindane in L'Ecossaise, writen by Voltaire. In 1793, I was arrested because lots of people didn't like the idea of one of the plays I was in. since I have such a long name, I go by Mademoiselle Lange. Well, that's all.

  47. Hello everybody! My name is Shirley Temple. I am a singer, dancer, and television actress. You may know me from my performances in Curley Top and The Littlest Rebel. I am known for the songs I have sung such as “On the Good Ship Lollipop” “Animal Crackers in my Soup” and “Swing Me an Old Fashion Song.” I also am known for my catch phrases such as, “ Oh my goodness!” Some people even say I'm America’s sweetheart.

  48. Bueno giorno, mi chiamo Christina Rossetti. Hello, my name is Christina Rossetti. I am an Italian/English poet. I was born and raised in England, but both of my parents are Italian. I am best known for my poem 'The Goblin' market, which is the story of a young girl who sells her golden hair for the fruit that the Goblins sell. I am no radical feminist, but many of my poems include subtle critique of the way that women are treated now, during the 1800s. I am very interested in Pre-Raphaelitism, a religious and artistic movement currently taking place. I look forwards to teaching people more about myself, and hope that everyone looks forwards to learning more about me.

  49. Hey! My name i Dede Edmond and I am a black violinist who was born in New Orleans, Louisiana. I am considered to be a prodigy and I am also a conductor! I was a conductor at the l'Alcazar Theater for 27 years of my life. Some songs I have made are "Quasimodo Symphony" and "Le Palmier Overture,". And i can't wait to get to know you all!

  50. Hello my name is Mamie Smith and I am a jazz vocalist. In 1920 I was the first to record blues songs. To be honest I am actually not a blues artist, but on March 10 1920 I recorded my hit that sold over a million hits in 6 months called "Crazi Blues".

  51. Bonjour, mon ami! Je m'apelle Jeanne Paquin!
    (Hello, my friends! My name is Jeanne Paquin!)
    I'm a fashion designer from the in-between wars era and I arranged the world's first fashion show.
    I was born in 1856 to great parents in Saint Denis, who set me up with a lovely husband, Isidore Paquin <3
    In 1831, He greatly assisted me in opening my very first Clothing store, The House of Paquin.
    Most of my designs were called "Innovative" as well as "breathtaking" as I soon became famous around Europe :)

  52. Ciao, sono Luigi Boccherini! I was born on 19 febbraio 1743 in Lucca, Italy. I was born into a very musical family and my love for the violoncello was embraced by my parents. I traveled to places such as Rome and Vienna for my violoncello studies. I found many opportunities to gain a reputation as a violoncellista and composer for chamber music in places like this. However, one of my finest positions of employment was as the composer for the Spanish royal family in Madrid Spagna. I truly loved Madrid, and I dedicated many of my compositions to the beauty around me, my most famous work being Musica notturna delle strade di Madrid, Opus 30 No. 6 (G. 324). In this piece I attempted to recreate the sounds of Madrid at night, which was seen as both controversial and inspired.
    The majority of my compositions were meant for chamber music, which I particularly enjoyed playing. In my compositions, I wanted to give the bass instruments a more important role in the music, a venture which I succeeded in stressing. Well, I must take my leave, it has been a pleasure. Addio.
