Thursday, April 19, 2012

Enlightenment Era Discussion Question 1

The Enlightenment was a time of new ideas about the natural rights and participation of citizens in a society. Explain how artists in your era spoke to these new ideas.


  1. Many artists in my era spoke to these new ideas by speaking out and starting revolutions. They were misguided ideas, idea's that broke down both the monarchy and the church.

  2. Artists in my era thought that there natural rights were things that needed to be preserved in the form of a revolution! I think that all people should have rights, rich and poor, but I fully support any thing the monarchy and church endorse.

  3. Well during this era everybody had a new view of life.Instead of seeing the same thing people have seen for many years. People had their own voice! Well this time of life made it easier for artist to,as you said, speak to the new ideas by giving us artist voices. We weren't afraid to show off our talent because people always were interested and the haven't stop being interested in the arts. So, the enlightenment gave people a different way of thinking and it helped artist express the way they feel just because people had open minds.

    1. So you think that just because someone has a voice that they should always use it? That is the beginning of anarchy! We would fall to pieces without the strict, old ways of the monarchy.

    2. Was it the era that caused the new styles or the artists? I believe it was the artists that inspired there to be an era called "the Enlightenment". Also, I agree that artists wanted to put their new work out there, but was it really easy for everyone? To my understanding, some art would be against the monarchy, and that would not be easy to put out there, for the government would probably shun it. Just a little thing to keep in mind that it may not have been easy for all artists.

    3. The artists influenced the "Enlightment" era completely. We are the voices for the people. It was not easy for everyone to put there work out there. It was foolish to try to publish any work that was against the monarchy.

    4. Anne, I couldn't agree more with that last statement on artist being the voices of the people...because we are!Your and exceptional person and I just want you to know that.

      And Pierre to answer your question I know it isn't easy for certain people to get their voices heard, but it obviously wasn't that hard if you are here today. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying your journey to fame was a walk in the park I'm just trying to say it all depends on the person and their talent and passion.

  4. Many artists in the Enlightenment Era were trying new idea's and new styles, like myself. Getting everyone involved in these new practices was a little challenging sometimes, because people were so used to their old ways. And of course, the royalty must approve as well. My new ways were easy to be approve since I was rather close with the king. As for some others, it was a little more challenging but they were persistent and went through with it anyway.

  5. I introduced a new style of music to the world of violin music. In my music, I would have music notes skip around more often so it would sound more interesting and exciting. Before i started composing full time, I taught at an orphanage for girls, the Ospedale de Pieta. I would compose music for the little girls to perform and although they performed their concerts behind a curtain, I had them perform in public. I also wrote many operas as well as many violin contertos. I had a friend, Anna Giraud, who would usually end up as being lead singer in most of my operas, and was a woman who was seen in public often because of me.

  6. Throughout my life, I often saw that the great compositori e musicisti were often having their talent and passioni squandered by being forced to work in schiavitù to figures of higher social status. If they wanted a certain style of piece, written or performed in a certain amount of time, for only a certain amount of income; an artista would be forced to write or play the music if they wished to retain their position.
    If positions like this were not to be found an artista may have to depend on income per request. They would receive a request from a client wishing to have a piece written for a certain occasion, and would receive payment for their efforts. When that job was finished the compositore would have to wait until the next request revealed itself.
    Having experienced both lifestyles myself, I know for a fact that these different types of emplyment have their advantages but are unsuitable for a long-term financial position, especially when supporting a famiglia con bambini piccoli. The life of a musicista requires one to travel frequently and never become accustomed to a single mode of living. However, for a long time these were some of the only options.
    However, things began to change during this age of enlightenment. Musicisti began to grow tired of this servant-like life, when they knew they deserved more respect for their efforts. This massive change in ideas and ways of thinking encouraged musicisti to fight against this limited employment, and demanded to be greater respected for their art. The choices that were made in the enlightenment era forever changed the position of musicisti, and artista in general forever. I certainly supported these views, having struggled financially my entire life.
    I am molto contento e sollevato that this amazing time period changed so many aspects in life in so many ways. Today, it is relatively easy and common for a musicisti to create a name for themselves without having to bow at the feet of arrogant, tone-deaf members of la classe superiore.

  7. I have noticed that there is not one artist in the Enlightenment era who has not introduced new ideas into society. Antonio Vivaldi for example changed the music industry completely by presenting a new style of fast paced, difficult music that was very interesting to listen to because of its wide range of notes. Luigi Boccherini was born in a small province where music was becoming increasingly relevant in everyday society, even though the musicians were not given the most praise for their work. I admire the fact that Luigi did not stop following his passion for the cello and ended up playing beautiful music with many people. Anne Grant, along with myself, were phenomenal writers of our era. The difference being, Anne wrote many compositions that were non fictional and made people think about the society in which they are living; I, on the other hand, am a play write who writes mostly fictional drama and comedy plays for the enjoyment of the paying public.

    1. I completely agree with you Miss Behn. Our era is the Enlightenment era where people came up with new ideas and were willing to try new things. I believe we are all artists because we were all willing to try new things, discovered our strengths, and became famous because of it.

    2. Thank you for mentioning me! The ideas of the enlightenment era heavily influenced all of our works without many of us even knowing! The enlightenment became the air we breathed, all the thoughts we could think! Every person, artist or not, was influenced by this era if they lived in it.

  8. Just because I did not mention you in the previous post does not mean that I think of you as an artist lesser than myself or the others mentioned. I did not forget to commend Praskovia for rising above serfdom to make a beautiful opera singer out of herself. Ms. Bertin said, "Nobody was really famous in this business in this field." talking about designing fashions, but Rose exceled past all of the mediocre fashion designers and made a name for herself. I disagree with Anne's former statement, "Artists in my era thought that there natural rights were things that needed to be preserved in the form of a revolution!" I feel like the artists did not revolt on purpose; new ways of thinking and doing things just came about in this era and it just happened to define a clear break in conformity to society.

    1. So everyone decided to revolt at exactly the same time? It was simply a misguided idea placed into the hearts and minds of people and they clung to it. The revolutions did nothing but cause more distress in their countries.

  9. Grazie mille, signorina Behn, for feeling my experiences are relevant in your statement! What you say is true, finding a respectable, working position in my città would have been simple, and I would have had no trouble in supporting my famiglia. However, I would have rather died than give up my passino per il violoncello, no matter what the cost.
    Making this choice of course meant that I had to work conastantly and tirelessly. I was never able to give in for a moment, for that would have resulted in the collapse of my famiglia livelihood. And as signorina Behn said, those of us who worked the hardest; were the ones who made a name for themselves, and were who truly had an immense impact on their arte and future generations. So because we were forced to work harder and be more stubborn and determined than the average worker, we made a stronger impact on the world. Also because of this, we as gli artisti formed a united voice in this time of shifting ideals and ways of thinking.
    I do not know if this is completely relevant to what the topic is, however I personally feel it is a massively important point.I believe that every one of us should feel orgogliosa e compiuta that we were artisti appassionati, who fought, and spoke out, and worked until we reached our goals. Especially since we were in a world that would've preferred things if we had worked for them, rather than for ourselves.

    1. No matter how hard you have worked, if you do not have supports, comradies, "fans" if you will, then you will not go far. It is of the utmost importance that someone supports or pushes your art farther. Art is meant to be viewed and you need someone to help you get it viewed. You cannot simply do it alone.

  10. The words "normal" and "ordinary" can not be used to describe any artists in the Enlightenment Era. If you can find one thing in common between all of us, it would be that we used our craft to create new styles and techniques and ways of life. I would not describe myself as a rebel against what men thought about female writers, but more of a person who maintained nothing but perseverance, pushing her forward to prove people wrong by becoming a successful female play write.

    1. I agree with your comment of the words "ordinary" and "normal". The artist that the enlightenment brought to the world are truly unique! And we do use our craft to create ways of life.

    2. I think of everyone is unique but it's there way of using their uniqueness to their advantage. Normal is just someone who doesn't know how to express themselves in a unique way.

  11. What a delightful conversation you are all having! It is clear that you are very passionate about your artistry as well as intellectual thinkers. I do sense that you have a difference of opinion about the role of government in people's lives. I pose this question: As artists have changed their fields in this time period, how has the voice of 'the people' changed the ways that governments respond to societal needs?

  12. Well, to follow up on your question Ms. Andreadis, I would say that at first it was a shock to the government that people were speaking out and changing the traditional ways. Perhaps the government was confused about it or disapproved it at first. But obviously, from how things are now, us artists were persistant to get our new voice heard. As for the people, they may have been inspired to change their old ways, and the government eventually grew to accept or even embrace the new styles and ideas.

    1. I completely agree with you Mr. Beauchamp. The government did perhaps disagree at first, but then adapt to the new ideas. Us artists weren't afraid of disapproval and were willing to try new things. Our bravery has proved that we are worthy artists of our time.

    2. Indeed that is all true. Because we kept to the new ideas and changing of the traditional ideas the government of course didn't like it at first but since we the people believed in it and were willing to change the government eventually went with the new ideas.

  13. The government disapproved of the people's voices because the people chose to show their voices in violent ways. Instead of protesting peacefully or through art, people began to be violent and the government responded in violent ways.

  14. Ciao everybody! I see this has become quite a discusssion and I just have to comment. I also believe that the Enightment Era was a time of new ideas and like other artists I was willing to try new things. Dancing for me was a great way to discover new ideas because there is always something new the body can do!

  15. This is a very interesting discussion. So i thought i would chime in. Lots of new ideas did come into our lives in this era. I was very inspired by the new clothing that people started liking and wearing like my dresses. Everybody deserves a voice to use for whatever they choose. Some Speak through Dancing, Singing, or others. We speak through our art.

  16. Yes, indeed this is a great discussion. I introduced new styles of music and inspired other composers like Bach, who also introduced new styles of music. Bach was a German composer and also lived in the Enlightenment era.

  17. Why yes Rose I agree with your statment completely! My voice is dancing and I don't want to brag but I must say I am very good at speaking through dance because I am one of the best!

  18. For the most part, i agree with everyone on the new question that Ms. Andreadis posed. As more and more people started sprouting new ideas and thoughts about their craft of choice, it was a cry out to the government, saying that there should be more money and attention invested into the arts because it was and still is a very important part of everyday life.

    1. I completely agree, There was so much attention to everything besides the arts. We showed the world how we express our feelings through an attention-grabbing, unique way. We deserved more attention and money.
