Monday, May 7, 2012

Final Step: Reflection

You have created an amazing body of work here! Now that you have finished your research and discussed issues pertaining to the arts and society, it is time to reflect on the process and what you have learned. Follow the GWCTD Step 8 to complete the last part of your assignment. These comments should be in YOUR voice (not your artist's voice).

1. How do you think the time period in which a person lives affects their ability to create?

2. Name one artist from this year's project (other than your own) whose work struck you in some way. Explain why you think so.

3. Name the single most important work created by your artist (in your opinion). Explain your answer.

4. How did using biography to do research help you to understand the society and culture where artists live and work?

5. What did you learn about yourself (as a burgeoning artist) from doing this project?

6. Any other comments?