Monday, May 7, 2012

4. How did using biography to do research help you to understand the society and culture where artists live and work?


  1. Using biography to do research helped me understand the society and culture where artists live and work because this approach was more hands on. If you were trying to understand the society and culture that an artist lived in by doing a boring research paper, it would not be fun. You would have less information in a research paper anyway because by using biography to help understand an artist, you are not only gaining insight on one particular artist of your choice, but lots of other artists that were in your era. By having actual back and forth conversations with other artists that lived, it keeps you on your feet because you are always anticipating the other artist's response, and in reading their responses you learn more about that artist, as well as your artist. When you are taking on the role of someone else, you have to completely immerse yourself into that person's lifestyle and when you do that, by using your brain to think exactly how someone else's brain would think, you are doing nothing but expanding your knowledge in general, by adding all of the things about the person you are interpreting (along with other artists), to all of your previous knowledge.

  2. Using a biography to do research helped me understand the society and culture where my artist lived and worked because it allowed me to put myself in the time. I wasn't searching for random facts about London in the Revolutionary Era, I was looking for Hannah's life. I was trying to discover what Hannah would have seen, and done, and felt. And that is completely different than what maybe a reporter would have seen, and done, and felt. Using the biography helped me find a personality to the information. I wouldn't have understood what kind of plays Drury Lane was doing at the time without finding out how the plays affected my artist. I maybe would have found out how women were changing the stage, but that's completely different than actually looking at it through the eyes of a women who was there and making the change. This biography helped me relate to what I was learning, and I think I will retain the information in a much more useful way than if it was just dry facts.

  3. Having a detailed account of Germany during the time that my artist lived made understanding him drastically easier. Max Schreck lived through a whole lot, not just due to his arts. He went through the National Socialist Party of Germany's regime, and had formerly fought in a long a grueling trench battle on the western front. I also learned of the pieces of equipment used in his films, as well as other important people alive during his life. I also researched his close professional partners and fellow actors. He may have seemed like a rich solitary snob, but he had an active social life.

  4. Using a biography to research for this project helped me understand how the society and culture was because, a biography tells what the person did in his life, and what was happening around him and sometimes you can get lucky enough to have a biography tell you why he made a choice that he did. I figured out that John Brougham moved out of Ireland because of the economy not being the best. He did stay in Ireland long enough to go to college before moving to Ireland, he left Ireland because there was no hope. Getting back to the point, a biography tells you things that things such as an article wouldn't. Say you read an article about John Brougham's theater life, that would give you only information from the start of his theatrical career to his latest works. While a biography starts at the beginning of his life and tells everything wether it has anything to do with his theater life or not. If I would not have used a biography, I would not have known that his parents died when he was young, that he wanted to originally be a surgeon, that he lost all his money on a boat to the game poker. A biography in my opinion, is the best kind of material to study a person's life not just a part of his life.

  5. I was able to really become Lillian Gish because we were using biographical writing. When I would sit down at my computer to write something on this blog I could actually feel how Lillian Gish felt. She was a strong woman in a time when that was unacceptable. The fact that she lived through so much economic and social trouble really gave me a perspective on the modern world. I am truly glad I was able to do this project!

  6. Using a biography to research for this project helped me out in many ways, as far as understanding the society and culture of the time period that Amy worked in is concerned. By studying one particular artist during the Industrial Revolution, I was able to get some personal insight as to how some real people reacted to the experiences they went through during their time, such as the new emphasis on industry and materialism. Also, I think I paid more attention to what I was learning than I would've done otherwise because this approach to research was fun. I got to pretend like I was a real person going through these experiences. If I did a normal research paper, I would've been bored and not learned as much. I wouldn't have gotten as much out of the project. I also think the same can be said about this entire year in World History. By doing interesting projects like the film reviews and analyzing artwork from different time periods, I feel I really learned a whole lot more than I would've otherwise learned.

  7. Using a biography gave me a more personal point of view of the time. Instead of learning about the lifestyle of the general artist population in this time period, I learned about this artist's own personal experiences, their high points, and struggles.
    Studying the time period in this way, not only informs you of the person you are studying, but it also shows how that person had lived during that time period. What their accomplishments meant to the modern world, what famous events in events in history they may have been involved in, or had heard about, or were surrounded by. Learning how these people were connected to the world, and thus learning how the world was connected to them, is in many ways more useful than being forced to memorize impersonal, dry, text-book facts.

  8. Using a biography really helped me create a personality for my artist. It really helped me set into the mind of my artist. I became him, and now I can really understand what it was like in his era. If this was one of those standard research papers we do every year, I wouldn't have been able to really get or understand what my artist was going through. Also being able to relate to his struggles even now helped.

  9. Using a biography to do research helped me understand the society and culture that the artists lived and worked in because instead of focusing on a place, I focused on one individual. Because of this, I could understand the impacts of society and culture that affected my artist. Since I was focusing on one person, I could make conclusions of how she was individually affected by things happening in society. This broadened my spectrum of knowledge on events in society and culture. Understanding how events impacted citizens is a very important element to fully comprehending a historical event.

  10. Using a biography To do research helped me understand the society and the culture thy the artists lived in Ans worked in is it's oveall more personal Ans interesting. Verse simply google important facts Ans dates on a society and culture. We got to be a person, learn how they think about te society, how they feel, what they want and what was going on. From their point of view instead of a historians. Also with using a biography, your learning more information. It's not seen anymore as fact after fact it's a story. Thats not always about the society. It gives you a break from facts and stories about the society, to learn all the facts Ans stories about the artists life.
    It's a better way to not only learn of the history but internalize it.
    By knowing how my artist felt about the things in her society It let me know her opinion while I made my own.
    It's a very different approach but I like it.

  11. I think studying a biography helped me understand the society in which Georgia O'Keeffe lived in. She had a strong point of view about her world which we can either accept or reject. All the artists had strong opinions about their society so we didn't just get facts and dates. I think I learned a lot about what it was like to be a woman and an artist in the period between the wars.
    I think its also good to see that they are human just like us!

  12. Using biography to do research helped me to understand the society and the culture the artists lived and worked in. Researching my artist, and even reading about other artists was extremely informative. I learned many things about their lives and how the imperialism time era affected thier lives, whether it was positive or negative. It was also cool to be able to just focus on one person, instead of just one place because it allowed me to just focus on them. I learned about how they felt and what they did to handle certain situations throuhgout their life time. And because of this, I learned how the time period my artist was raised in impacted their work and beliefs. Also, by studying one individual, I got an idea on how some people felt about imperialism and its events.

  13. Using biography to do research did not really inform me as well as expected. I was only able to see the time through one point of view. I would like to have seen it from all eyes. I could not see all societies from my time. I could only see the wealthy side of things, the way my artist was raised.

  14. The way I used the biography and how it helped was that I felt like I actually got to know Jenny Lind and who she was as an artist in her time period. How she acted towards people and how she was brought up was all extremely intresting to me.

  15. Using biography to do research helped me because i understood where they were coming from and the reasons for there actions and inspiration.

  16. Using biography to do research helped me a lot because it helped me to really look at different time periods other than present day things and events as well. Learning about different time periods helped expand my horizon of appreciation for life and the arts as well.

  17. Doing research on my artist and where he lived helped me understand what the society and culture was like in the time that he lived. I did research on his life including: his family history, his careers, his relationships with other people, and his works of art. Doing this much research about him helped me to understand (through his point of view) what life in Venice, Italy was like. I learned that not only did he write music for orchestras to perform, but also many operas, and how his operas were different from operas written before.

  18. Using biography to do research helped me to understand society and culture during the industrial era. The reason is because it allowed me to look through someone who really lived in that time's eyes. It is one thing to learn history. It is another to learn it while really seeing things through the eyes of someone else. This is especially true sense Christina Rossetti was a social and political activist.

  19. Biography in research helps to learn about the society and culture where arts live in work because it keeps you more engaged because you are focusing on just one person. By looking at how society is affected by your artist’s work it helps you to see the bigger picture of how other artist’s work affected the world. Though biography you get to learn about the artist’s life and family and where they live and how they felt about certain issues in their society. This is relevant because it teaches us about some of the economic hardships of the era and is a great example of how there are so many different ways the time period effected different people in different ways. Biography helps you to understand the facts of the society and what artists did do change things they didn’t like.

  20. Using a biography helps learn about a culture because it makes you see it through another persons eyes. If you are just being you then you don't really do anythig but read about history. Being another person makes you see everything through their eyes. You may think something is right but the whoever the person id can think it is an awful thing. That's why you have to learn everything about the person if you can.

  21. Doing research on my artist Ninette Valois I learned about where she lived her family, culture and beyond much more. I not only learned facts about my artists, but I learned facts about the era my artist was living in. I think if I would of just gotten a biography book on my artist I would of learn the same things, but they would of not sticked with me. You get a whole different aspect and look on things when you actually can relate to your artist in some way and actually become that person and now I feel as if Ninette Valois is with me at all time, because I know so much about her. I realized the type of person she is her choreography style, I know about her family how she was raised and what hardships and economical troubles society had went through at the time, so to answer your question the biography did help me.

  22. Using biography to do the work helped me get a more personal feel with my artist. I didn't know much about her, and getting more information from biographies made it a lot easier to learn and work on the interview and find more artifacts. I learned about her family, her cultural background and how she became famous. I also liked to learn about how she had hard economic problems. So to answer your question, yes the biography did help me.

  23. Doing research using biography helped me learn about someone who was similar to me in my arts just of a different time period. It taught me some of the struggles artist went through in different time periods and they were facing problems we face today. It also helped me express myself in a different persons point of view, I thought that was interesting to do. Biographies made it a bit easier to talk like what my artist might sound like. Without it i would have been lost completely.

  24. Using biography really helped me feel that I was in their shoes and gave me a personal type of feeling where it felt like I, and many others, were their artist. It personally made me a lot more interested in the project and it was a lot more fun to do, because I know if it was just me talking about her I would get really bored really quick, but I didn't and I really enjoyed this project.

  25. Using the biography helped me connect more with the artists. It really showed the hard times they were going through. Also it made me really think about how Ms. Swanson would act in this situation and how this would effect her in real life. I personally also feel it made me respect the different artists more by reading their history.

  26. Using biography to do research I believe is a great strategy. Mainly because a book might have all the information about society, the things that were happening, the revolution etc, but you can't never relate to it as well as when you are reading it from a real person perspective (especially when they are artists like you and I). You get to see the struggles in a real person's life, you get to see who the things that were happening shaped this person's life, how they handle it and you ultimately get to feel as if you were living it too.

  27. Using a biography to do a research project helped me to understand my artists and a lot of things around him like political and artistic events happening in that era. Using a biography also lets you learn facts about your artist's world. When I find information I like to get details on it so then you start looking up the culture and society in that time period. Using a biography can open up so many doors to learn much more than what is in the biography.

  28. Using a biography to do a research project was very challenging. It was challenging because you had to put yourself in another person's perspective was difficult. I had to dig deeper into Ellen Terry's life and figure out what she would think and do during these difficult times in her life that I had to write about. It was difficult to speak as a person who's been dead for over 80 years.

  29. I think reading from different prespectives help the understanding of society and culture on a wider scale. According to some of the biographies people had their lives made and already had a place in the arts, others had to work to get there. My biography helped me understand that things didn't always come easily and that things got pretty bad during my era but people still found a light in their art.

  30. Using a biography to do our project was fairly difficult because my artist wasn't super duper popular.But the information I did find was very interesting. I have the say the most difficult was researching for information I got so much false articles that I couldn't really verify as true or false.

    1. But it did help me understand people and artist in this era because it showed me perspectives and opinions. Like Praskovia marring a man that was above her social class was shunned and their love was forbidden which told me that during this time you couldn't marry out of your class.

  31. Most times, when I am doing a research project or something like it, I just gather the information and write it down. I still learn about the sudject, but I have no type of connection. Since we did this project as a biography, it helped me actually make a connection to my person and the era I belonged to. And that helped me understand the society and parts of the culture. Because this project was done in first person, I had to think of how people felt instead of just reading about it. My artist wasn't very known and there wasn't lot's of information about her. But since I had to make connections and think like the artist, I could answer questions and make comments in what I gathered to be "her voice".

  32. Using a biography to do research helped me understand the culture and society my artist lived and worked in, because I got to read and see- from my artists perspective- what that time was like. I got read and think about Mr. Shostakovich's feelings and experiences. To think what made him create the music he made and what made him be the person he is. Reading a biography of him and reading quotes by him, let me understand, a bit better, of who he is and what he thinks. Answering questions and blogging in the name of Dmitri Shostakovich was made easier.

  33. Using a biography to do a research project was challenging at times, but it gave you a point of view of the time period you were studying. At times it was hard when I couldn't find certain information for my artist, but through the researching I found out many other things! I also could see how society at the time impacted my artists, and others as I read through all the comments on here. Being interactive was my favorite part because you got to play the role of someone who was in the time period and it really made you think of how your artist, not you, would respond to situations. As for the overall research, I think I have a better picture and understanding of the Enlightenment era.

  34. Using a biography of someone that lived in the time period for the this project gave me a new way to look at history. We usually study these time periods through a third person point of view. We learn from history books and teachers telling us what happened. I can now see life in that time period through the eyes of someone who actualy lived then! This personally helped me understand what troubles people were going through during this time.

  35. Using a biography to do research helped me understand the society and culture where my artist lived and worked because it allowed me to put myself in that certain time. I wasn't just looking for facts and dates on the French Revolution, I was learning about that through an amazing artist that I didn't even Know existed! I learned so musch about a very important artist and his life surrounded by a Revolution. You can experiance history through someone elses story who might be similar to you. Someone who studies the same thing you do everyday and yet is different. Especially acting as if I were my artist, this gave me a truly different approach on learnig about history. You had to try and see, hear, and feel what they did. This is much different then a text book. All in all, I think that this was a truly unique way in learnig history. Even reading about other artists, this made you even closer to your own!

  36. Using biography to research taught me how to consider my artists' feelings when looking at their work. It really showed how much the environment an artist grows up in affects their artistry. This biography made me realize the discrimination women faced and thus the discrimination I would have faced. It made me realize that just because an artist was for the monarchy and the church, it does not mean that what the artist writes isn't true and real.

  37. Using biography to do my research helped me understand the society and culture where artists lived and worked because the biographies told you exactly how your artist lived. They told you how the government and living conditions wwere for them.They told you what social classes they were apart of and how the social classes affected their success in their arts. they also told you who they associated with and how they did. Biographies gave you great information.

  38. Using biography made me really connect with my artist. It made me feel like i was actually her and i was living in this era with all these people. I felt i could learn more from my artists point of view since we had to write from their point of view. They told how they coped with the economic and social and everything that was going on around this time. it gave a new perspective from the artists way she saw her life and others around hers life.

  39. I thought that the biography helped a lot in understanding my artist more. Different cultures in different countries range so much. Many people in Inchbald's life including herself were Roman Catholic. It seemed to me that her society was very strict and that many ideas were not aloud to be expressed to the public. For instance, her plays did not include a lot of her political beliefs, her novels did. It is easier to hide those types of things in literature than in live theatre.

  40. I think that using biography helped me understand my art more. It made me connect with my artist and make me really come into character every time I made a new post or comment. It helped me learn about the culture and how people acted and were treated during World War One. I learned not just about my artist, Paul Nash, but also about many things that happened on the western front and other facts about that time period.

  41. To do at least a decent job on this project you had to learn so much about the artists world. Especially in the interview when some questions don't pertain to a paint brush or a technique. I felt this project taught me the way other projects are supposed to teach. A 20 page paper is boring, out-of-date, and lame. A blog is appropriate for this day in age where technology is as important as text book. Using a biography was like taking a time machine back to that specific time and experiencing it for 6 months.

  42. Using a biography for this project gave a special insight into the world of your artist. In this project you had to be able to speak in your artist's voice you couldn't do that without knowing about the time period in whitch they lived. Even knowing simple things like where they are from could allow you to know alot more about the society of the time. A biography is a window to another time, it transports you and allows you to see and experience the time it is writen about.

  43. The biography helped me because i really began to see where every little piece of info matters in all of what is important.

  44. I was able to impersonate an artist and it made me feel closer to the art I do. Some of the questions from the interview had nothing to do with the artistic ability but it was really awesome to see the different backgrounds artists could come from.
