Monday, May 7, 2012

2. Name one artist from this year's project (other than your own) whose work struck you in some way. Explain why you think so.


  1. Pablo Picasso! He was a revolutionary art mind that created many new grand spectacles for the art world, as well as creating his own amazing art style. He truly pushed the boundaries more than any other artist of his time.

  2. The artist that struck me the most was Helena Modjeska. Her life was extremely hard and she had absolutely nothing. But she still climbed to the top, had a pier named after her, a candy named after her. She came to be one of the leading actresses. Her story is astounding just as her acting skills.

  3. Filippo Taglioni struck me the most from this years project. I really admired him because people called him the father of romantic ballet. I love romantic ballet because of how beautiful and elegant it is, and to be the founder and creator of something so stunning and unique really stood out to me.

  4. Dmitri Shostaovich struck me as an interesting artist in this years project. I listened to his music on 'You Tube' and I have never heard anything like it before. It was different but mesmerizing. He captured the difficult times in Russia, the poverty, disease and slave labor.

  5. One of the artists who's work really struck me as interesting was Christina Rossetti. I really admired her writing because of the fact that it's very detailed and shows a lot of emotion. Also, much of her writing clearly illistrates her opinions on what is going on in society. For example, in her poem "A Diamond or Coal?" she uses ordinary objects to bring her idea across. The diamond represents beauty and luxury and the coal represents simpleness and usefullness. Now, keep in mind that during the Industrial Revolution, there was a lot of emphasis on industry and materialism. Also, Ms. Rossetti was very anti-materialistic. Anyways, this poem comes to the conclusion that it is better to have coal than a diamond because coal helps you survive the winter. This poem could also be interpreted the same way with materialism. It points out that having a lot of stuff isn't always the best thing. (Also, those who don't have as much often have more usefull skills that could help them survive.) My point is that she does a good job showing how she feels about society without outright saying what she thinks.

  6. One artist I was impressed by is Pierre Beauchamp. He was a dancer in the Enlightment Era like my artist. He made the art of ballet a disciplined practice by creating the five postions. He also danced in France as did my artist, Barbara Campanini. He is one of the best dancers I know today! (besides Barbara Campanini) And if King Louis xiv says he is good...well that means he is. After all Barbara would know!

  7. Max Schreck's work truly inspired me. His acting style was so different from Lillian Gish's. It was, however, just as astounding. He sounded a lot like his artist when posting on the blog or answering questions in his interview. I admire Max Schreck as an artist and as a person now that I have learned more about him and his work.

  8. Amy Beach's work really stood out to me. I could tell her music was full of feeling and I personally really liked that. Also I like the personality behind Amy Beach, she stood out a lot to me because she really made the questions we were answering sound like a conversation. Which made it a lot more fun.

  9. One artist that really struck me was Anne Grant, a writer from the Enlightenment Era. Throughout her life, she lost the majority of her family, and yet she was barely given a moments rest, because she had to somehow support herself and those she loved.
    This determination and passion led to an immense amount of her work being written and published, and the income from her tireless efforts gave her the some means of living in a world that hadn't been very kind to her.
    This artist certainly deserves some recognition, not only her works are still heard of and read today, but also because of her indefatigable efforts to achieve success, despite her many troubles and losses. Which is rare, and the sign of truly passionate artist.

  10. Adelina Patti was a great artist that I really liked. I like her because she has extremely good conversation and she presents herself in a respectful way. I also like the way she gives a lot of facts and details in her interview. Whenever she spoke, she gave extraordinary responses that where just perfect! I really liked talking with her at the dinner table because she shared a lot about her opinions and beliefs on things. They were very well worded and presented professionally.Learning about Adelina was extremely interesting for me. Learning about her life and its adventures drew my attention from the start. Adelina Patti did extremely good work on this blog.

  11. Christina Rossetti was an artist whose work stuck out to me. I could feel the emotion in her poems, and I really like poetry. She had amazing artifacts, and I am amazed at her writing. Learning about Christina was great. I got to step out of my dance box and into a poets life. I think poets are amazing and they are just like dancers, while we express our emotion through dance, they express their emotion through writing and poems.

  12. I thought that the artist that stuck out the most to me in the whole project was Dmitri Shostakovich. When I listen to his music I expected the normal musician, but when I listen to his music I felt if it was more upbeat and striking in a professional way it had a variety. The piece I enjoyed the most from him was the Second Waltz. That would most definitely be a piece that you could choreograph something to and would probably be used by my artist Ninette Valois. I also felt like he was the only artist in my era that we had somethings in common or the same point of view on a topic.

    1. I agree; love to see some choreography with that piece also. And thank you very much!

  13. An artist that impressed me was Ellen Terry. I find her to be a very inspiring artist. Even though her first marriage was a failure and left her devastated, she still went on to be an amazing actress. She obviously was a very talented actress, considering how successful she was. Some of the roles she played that I found very impressive were Lady Macbeth in Macbeth, and Beatrice in Much Ado About Nothing. She is a very inspiring artist because she represents that even if you have many roadblocks on your way to success, you can still make it. She proves that if you work hard, you can achieve your goal no matter what. Obviously, Ellen Terry was a very inspiring artist who I was very impressed by.

  14. Filippo Taglioni impressed me the most. Sense im interested in ballet, looking at his work has taught me some new information. I thought the person expressed much of the information they knew about the artist very well! I also liked the real like artifacts he had and the descriptions they made told me more information.

  15. I think the artist who struk me the most is Pierre Marivaux. I really liked that he was a play-write, and that he had very diversial works. I also thought it was cool that many of his plays were comedy. It's great that even though a revolution is going on, you can still take peoples minds off of the bad by making them laugh. And, final thing, I really loved reading the responses and comments and the things he had to say.

  16. I think Lillian Gish, simply because she was such a great film actress. She did lots of political work in her films. She was amazing. She did a lot to change things.

  17. Well everyones work was great! honestly, they were all known well enough that they showed up when someone searched artists in whatever era. But they were all great honestly. Very inspiring

  18. I would have to say Hannah Pritchard would be the one that stood out to me the most. Not only are we both involved with the theater but her artifacts are fabulous! I love the one of the theater you performed in. It is a fabulous one I should say. Very big too!

  19. I also admire the fact that you perform the same kind of plays that I write! That is also amazing!

  20. One artist I admire would be Jenny Lind. Her opera singing, that of a "Swetish Nightengale", is breathtaking.

  21. Maria Malibran really struck me because her and Jenny Lind are very much alike and they can inspire each other.

  22. Pierre Beauchamp was an artist that stood out to me because I am somewhat familiar to his work. Even though I am not a ballet dancer, I know that first through fifth positions are still used today, as a daily warmup for many dancers. Every single one of the artists in this blog project are still relevant today. Pierre's work from hundreds of years in the past is perhaps the most relevant and used and practiced from then, continuously and world wide, to today. Also, since I am learning french, it was fun trying to decipher some of the phrases that he used.

  23. I think Mr.Marivaux was had a pretty amazing. His plays where pretty unique. He had many different kinds of plays and they all were great. My favorite were the ones with comic relief, they are pretty amusing.

  24. Fats Waller really caught my eye! he is amazing piano player. When he puts his magically fingers on the piano keys it just blows my ears away! He is wonderful.

  25. Pierre de Marivaux struck out to me the most. I really think (besides music) acting is hard work. But making a script that is creative that can make people feel a certain way is beyond genius. I know there may have been harder working or better people to choose but I admire Pierre the most by far. He wants it and has the will and the talent to do so, I wish half of you rise up to the level that my good man Pierre has risen to. Nobody may have chosen me but I know Im still the best and I was your first choice, you just know that I'm better than you.

  26. Dmitri Shostacovich struck me the hardest because his music was very emotional in a since where he touched millions of people world wide with his music. His music was very inspiring to me and personally it helped me become a better artist and person.

    1. Thank you, and you, good sir are a very inspirational artist yourself!

  27. I think Luigi Boccherini did some amazing composing during his time. Although he was a cello player, he also composed interesting-sounding music just like other composers of his time (like me). I have played a piece by Mr. Boccherini before and the excitement of the piece made my mood 10 times happier. He uses fast notes and slow notes and puts it into a piece that is interesting, joyful, and exciting. He truly did a good job composing.

  28. Amy Beach's work really stood out in my mind. This is not only because of her talent, but also because of the immense emotion which went into her work. As a writer, music with no lyrics is often difficult for me to understand. I felt that Amy Beach's works really portrayed some strong emotions. When I was listening to some examples of her work, I was really moved.

  29. I really think Amy Beach did an outstanding job of conveying her artist to the fullest level. Not only was she persistent in commenting at least twice a day but she did this much earlier than most of us even began our first comment. In addition to this I can really tell she put a lot of thought into her work due to the copious amount of words per comment and the constant attention to some of the details that I even missed in the conversation. Also the way she spoke was so elegant and even though I know who the person is sometimes her words got me so lost in the artist that I forgot who the real writer of the comments were! Amy beach was not only knowledgeable about her work but she really took the initiative to read into some of the specifics of other peoples work. This artist did an outstanding job of putting a lot of effort in each conversation and sometimes she even kept the conversation going when it died down.

  30. One artist that is hard, there have been so many artists this year that I thought were just wonderful. The artist who's work stuck out to me is Shirley Temple. This artists work stuck out to me because she succeeded at such a young age its very inspiring.

  31. Well, many people did, but mostly I would have to say Fats Waller or Dmitri Shostacovich, because both are very emotional musicians who share a message in a way through music and both are extremely talented

  32. Hannah Pritchard was the one that stood out to me. Our artists had SO much in common: They lived in the same city, performed at the same theatre, and had the same mentor! I'm sure that the both of them performed together also. Her artifacts were great, I actually enjoyed reading her interview, and it didn't hurt that Ned and Hannah flirted a little.

  33. I really enjoyed Etienne Mehul's story because I think that is a great example of who can an artist be born in any home no matter how much money do they handle. He became an incredibly recognized composer during the Revolution and he did not have a lot to start with. His first lessons came from a blind organist but with his own talent and effort he got many opportunities in his career. Bravo Mr. Mehul!

  34. Adelina Patti was my favorite on this blog! She was so detailed with her life and opinions and truly made me think more about the era of Imperialism. She stood with her opinions, but also was open minded when it came to others opinions. I truly was inspired by her life and her personality was just great. She was always on top of responding to people's discussions! I loved Adelina Patti's blog!

  35. Pierre Beauchamp!! His page was just wonderful! I really enjoy ballet and dance so that made his blog stand out even more to me!His blog shared so much information of his life it was just great and entertaining!
    Great Job!

  36. Luigi Boccherini was a great blog! That artist had such an interesting career! He dealt with many struggles, especially finanical, and still was an amazing artist. One of my favorite things about him was how he stood up to royalty when they told him not to make his music the way he did. That was so brave and I greatly respect him for that. Besides the information behind the artist, the blog was amazing! The way there was fluent italian in it was great and made the artist's voice really heard. Good job!

  37. Pablo Piccaso's work really impressed me during this project. I had heared of him plenty of times before this project started. When I finally got to see his work for myself, I was struck dumb. The ellegance in his work was outstanding. He was one of the most talented artists in the World War I time period. I was proud to be in the same time period as him.

  38. Pablo Piccaso really inspired me. Being a visual artist he created his own style of art which is sometimes very hard to do. He had a great blog and as an artist I look up to him. My favorite thing about Piccaso is that no matter what time period it is, his work is always relevant similar to the way Mozart wrote his music and how his work is relevant to all times in history.

  39. One artists who work struck me. And I'd have to say this only because I'm more aware of my own era than any other. Would be Christina Rossetti. It's weird because I'm not so much intetrsted in every factor of her work. Simply wat she stands for. Her non materialistic ways. And how she's strong in it. Her life of some poverty struck me as well. She's a very talented artist, who simply takes her mind and say a pen and paper and let's out her emotions. Her ideas Ans stay firm in it. I could take from her never changing my character and always standing up and speaking out in some way on what I believe in.

  40. William Billings stary was rather interesting because it gave you an idea of what American composers were doing and going through during the French Revolution. He, just as well as Mehul, started off with very little and worked his way up to pursueing in what he wanted to do. Along with Mehul, he didn't let any "disadvantages" get in his way. He did what he wanted to do. I guess I am trying to say that William Billings' story was quite similar to that of Etienne Mehuls story, and both of them were succesful!

  41. "Lady of Distinction" really struck me. This person had to write their works anonymously. I cannot say if "Lady of Distinction" wrote their works anonymously for enjoyment or if she would have been discriminated against because she was a woman. It was just so interesting because i'm not really sure who "Lady of Distinction" is at all but she still felt compelled to share her ideas. All of us artists feel very grateful that our names are still known, but "Lady of Distinction"'s real name may never be known.

  42. I thought that Helena Modjeska did the most outstanding job on this project because I thought that she was the only one who truly became her character. Her work struck me that all of these famous people before our time had these fabulous personalities that just came to life. Though they may not all be correct I think it is interesting how we interpret it. I thought that she had a lot of fun with it.

  43. Praskovia Kovalyova really stood out to me. Her passion for acting was very noticable and was an amazing opera singer. She was very multi-talented and it stood out in this project to me.

  44. i admire people who care so much for their work. and she wasn't afraid to take credit for it, a very well deserved artist. The whole blog was quite good too.

  45. Adelina Patti and John Brougham. Not only did Adelina do exceptional work with her interview and her artifacts but she really was engaged in making conversation. Every step of this project she put in 110%. Now John gets the award for best character interpretation. He was so good at times I would get mad at the student behind the character because I believed him so much! These two were exceptional participents in this project.

  46. I thought that Hannah Pritchard's work was pretty amaing. She accomplished so much coming from a family that wasn't rich. It was insperational to see an artist who broke through the barriers set by society in her time.

  47. It has taken some time, and a lot of looking around, but the artist that struck me the most, was Georgia O'Keefe. Yes, we are in the same era and I know more about you than many of the other artists, but your paintings are so different, and beautiful. Your landscapes are so detailed, beautiful and... dreamy; I wish I could just jump into them. One of your paintings that really popped was: "Cow's Skull Red, White, and Blue". The detail in the skull and use of bold colors, showed true artistry to me and really stuck. Ms. O'Keefe your paintings are a treasure!

  48. I know that I am a jazz vocalist but for some reason Max Schreck's. really inspired me. They seem like they were very attentive. They were ingaged in mostly all conversations as well as Ms. Gish but over all Mr. Shreck

  49. Ms. Georgia O'Keef, her art was really passionate. I thought that her shading of all her skulls was amazing. The landscapes she did made me feel like i wanted to go to these places and sit and just look around all day. Ms. O'Keefe I salute you and all your artistic skills.
