Monday, May 7, 2012

6. Any other comments?


  1. I love the process of learning about different artists. I love learning new things and getting a chance to learn about so many artists and what they do and their lives is so fun to me.

  2. Thank you so much Ms. Andreadis for making us do this. It was so much and a really great experience for us to have. It wasn't always easy and sometimes it may have gotten stressful but I'm really glad we did this. I think we all really have something to be proud of!

  3. I am planning to go to the Geogia O'Keeffe Museum in New Mexico on our next spring break. I really want to see her house and the surrounding landscape. I did not know this museum existed before the project.

  4. I greatly enjoyed learning more about the evolution and changes my art has gone through, and now know how it used to be.

  5. I started this project out dreading it. I was thinking, "Ugh, another project, really?" I stopped thinking about it that way around the time I learned some facts about my artist. I completely loved this project because I was able to learn more about my art. Thank you Ms. Andreadis! Yes, of course sometimes I would dread having to write about the economic problems or whatever, but when I actually sat down to do it, I enjoyed it!

  6. I know that even at the beginning of the year I was already groaning about this assignment. However, it turned out to not be that bad. I learned a lot from it and actually enjoyed "becoming one" with my artist.

  7. I didn't realize when I was assigned Fanny Elssler that I had already read a little bit about her for dance in eighth grade. I loved getting to know more about her life because most of what I read was Marie Taglioni this, Marie Taglioni that. I was glad that you did this project. It was a great learning experience for me.

  8. Grazie mille, Signora Andreadis! Despite the harrowing due dates, hours of research, and painful lack of blinking due to staring at the monitor for long periods of time; I had a great time doing this project. I found my artist very interesting, and I loved learning more things about him. Taking on his persona soon became a great time, and learning about the other artists was very interesting as well.
    Now, the final thing I learned about Luigi was that evidently it was discovered that he owned two Stradivarius the same time. I found that so impressive, I just felt it was noteworthy.

  9. Thank you Ms. Andreadis for assigning us this project. When we first started this project, I had no idea I would learn as much as I have learned. I learned much about the opera industry in the late 1800’s. That is very important to me because I am interested in that style of singing. Additionally, I gained lots of knowledge about an opera singer who was very successful. I learned many things about her personal life and her art. Knowing about Adelina Patti has definitely broadened my spectrum of the opera industry. This is very helpful to me, because now I know many things about this famous performer. Since I am interested in her art, the knowledge I have of her can only benefit me in the future. I also learned many things about other artists. This gave me extended information about many other artists from the past. As an artist, this can only benefit me.
    In conclusion, I found this project very informative, and I am very glad I had the chance to participate in it.

  10. I have to agree with Adelina Patti, and I thank you Ms. Andreatis for assigning us this blog project. I was a little worried about it and at one point in time I fell extremely behind, but once I got on the ball game it was really fun. This was an excellent assignment that was very educational, and I really enjoyed it.

  11. This project that I have done I thought I would never be able to do this. That I would be confuse or wouldn't know what to research or what to say or even know how to blog. I didn't really understand the meaning of blogging until this year. I judge what blogging was before actually got started on doing it. Overtime I got use to it and actually enjoyed it. I'm glad that I actually tried something new that had to do with my academics. I thank you so much for this project because I don't think just writing a huge research paper on this wouldn't of helped me understand or get to know about my artist.

  12. This project was fun and actually enjoyable to do. Thank you Ms. Andreadis for making this a good time:)

  13. This project was a bit challenging, but fun because we learned about many artists of different eras. I think it was a good idea to do it on the internet were we have a much larger audience and can learn how to blog. At first, after I set up my account for the blog, I had trouble figuring things out(happens all the time when I get a new account for websites eg. facebook, gmail, etc.) but now I know how to visit the main site, how to visit other peoples blogs, and how to make a new post. It just takes a bit of experience from trying new thing before you get skilled.

  14. Well first off I do want to thank you Ms.Andreadis, it was a very unique project and I don't think I will do anything like this in high school again...maybe in college. To be honest this project (for me) was really challenging but, obviously, I did it!Plus I enjoy a good challenge :)

  15. This was a great project especially since this generation is all about technology. What we have all just done is take the past and intoduce it to the present. This project was alittle challenging but in the end I have learned alot and it was funner than other projects that have been done.

  16. I believe that this project was a lot of fun actually, and that it tricked us into understanding history better by reading about the stuff we like the most, our art. (good job Ms. Andreadis haha). I really liked the fact that we got to know so well a person that was really influential in our art field... what can I say I just love dance and everything that has to do with it. Also getting to read about other artists was very interesting. I really enjoyed having to interact with my peers and getting to know how they think and feel while actually being another person. Great job everyone!

  17. This was a brilliant project. I think that this really helped me (and I'm sure many others) understand and learn more than any research paper. This project was a hands-on, you really had to work and "not blow it off the night before", kind of project. What was so unique and awesome about it, is that you were the person you researched. That's what stuck, being the artist, imagining yourself in their situations and writing from their perspectives. And using the internet, which is a big part of the 21st Century, allowed teens to bring school and technology together, creating the best of both worlds. Thank you Ms. Andreadis!

  18. I really liked doing this progect. Although it was kind of hard sometimes, looking back at the entire blog, it is very cool. I liked learning about other the other artist in my era, and even some in different eras. It is so cool because I got to learn about people I never knew existed. Also, I learned how to use a blog, which is very cool! Thanks Ms. Andreadis for having us do this project instead of some boring paper!

  19. At first I did not like this project honestly. But once we started interacting with other artists through the voice of our artist, it became a lot more interesting and fun. I think this was good for us since we are growing artist to put our self in the shoes of other artists of the same art. Also, looking at different era's showed how it really has changed over time and you can see different aspects of different people's art today. Overall, this was a pretty good project.

  20. I really enjoyed this project. Some days however, I really did not want to do it, but I pushed myself, and now, we have all made it to the end. I leared so much, and I am thankful that I got the chance to experience this. We could have been writing an essay all this time... Good job to everyone!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. I was excited in a way for this project because it was something different which I'm always up for. Id have to say that I in ways tolerated this project because I obviously I couldn't do without doing it. I loved some parts but then dreaded others. It would've been nice if students didn't get blamed for certain aspects of things that happened throughout the Project simply because of circumstances that weren't under their control. But as well I think reflecting Was the best thing out if this project. Without it I wouldn't have ever seen it's purpose.
    But still I think everyone did a wonderful job! An overall got into it.

  23. When I first started this project, I already assumed that I would hate it. Having to sit down everyday and learn about a person that you might of never even cared to learn about. But thats just it.... If you would of never had us do this project, I would of never learned about the artist that I chose. I have learned so much about this fabulous artist, and my own art. I fell deeply in love with Mehuls music. I absolutly love his style, and his accomplishments, starting from nothing, are amazing also! So I would just like to say thank for this brilliant project. ( by the way, this project got funer and funer each day I would sign in!)

  24. I think that a lot of the questions we answered were repetiive and that there was a lot more I could have learned if different questions had been answered. I was really into responding and interacting with other artists, though I wish other people would have responded more frequently. I really earned a deeper understanding of artistry, how an era affects an artist, and how things such as life and class affect an artist. Though pretending to be someone else was weird, I enjoyed getting to learn about another classic writer and seeing how I compared to them.

  25. Thank you Ms. Andreadis for making us do this project because it taught me a lot. You should continue this project for many more years. Who knows maybe someday students will be researching my works of art for a project like this!

  26. I started out a little behind with my blog project and i was dreading it. As it went on, i really connected with Rose and ended of loving this project. It was very enjoyable, Please continue it for years after this. I don't think i will ever forget this project.

  27. Thank you for teaching in the 21st century and not the stoneage. My cell phone and laptop is alot lighter than my stone and chisle that I use for all my other classes.

  28. I believe this project was a great one. We got to be experts at an artist in whatever era you had and got to know other artists in that same era. Some parts I may have got in late but it was worth the work.
