Monday, May 7, 2012

3. Name the single most important work created by your artist (in your opinion). Explain your answer.


  1. Hands down, Nosferatu was Max Schreck's most significant work. Not only did it portray the classic vampire, Dracula, but it was his first major film role.

  2. The opening of the Lycuem Theater was John Broughams biggest accomplishment, with out a doubt. It was in a new country, and it took a lot of time, skill, and a lot of nerve. It took nerve because he was putting all of his money into it and was not sure if it was going to succeed or not. It did succeed and Brougham benefited from it.

    1. I saw the lion King at the Lyceum in London. It is a beautiful theater!

    2. Ellen Terry performed at the Lycuem Theatre! :)

  3. Being the original Justice Woodcock in Love in a Village was Ned's biggest accomplishment to me. He was chosen to be the original and I think that it is so great and he kind of set a mold for that character.

  4. I think portraying Lady Macbeth in Shakespeare's "Macbeth" was Hannah's single most important work. This was considered her best part she ever had even though she was best known for her hilarious comedic work. The fact that her best performance out of her whole career was something that was somewhat out of her normal comfort zone proves to me what an amazing actress she was because she embodied a role that was unknown to her. To me that is the sign of being a true actress, being able to be anybody and make it an absolutely amazing performance.

  5. I think Geogia O'keeffes most important accomplishment is the first of her large flower paintings. They were unique and she had found her voice as an artist through these works!

  6. I think Lillian Gish's most important work as an actress was that of "The Wind". It was an extremely controversial movie, yet she stood by the film because she believed it to be a fine piece of art. I agree with her. The film is extremely artistic and wonderfully made. I hope to be able to become an actress who is able and willing to stand up for her works of art, no matter what.

  7. I believe all the art Amy created was important. However, I'd have to say that the single most important work created by her would have to be the "Gaelic" Symphony. Even though it wasn't necessarily her most popular, I think it best illistrates her overall success as a composer (because of the fact that symphonies include so many types of instruments). If you can compose a well-written symphony, I feel like that shows that you are successful because you can compose good music for a wide variety of intruments (not just piano or violin).

  8. Luigi wrote over 100 pieces in his lifetime, and many of the works he created had a massive impact on the musical world. However, the one that really stayed with me, was his piece "Musica notturna delle strade di Madrid, Opus 30 No. 6 (G. 324)". In this piece, Luigi aimed to recreate the atmosphere and sounds of Madrid at night, a city which he fell in love with.
    In this quintet, he wanted the instruments to mimic the sound of church bells, guitarists in the streets, the sound of the night watchmen making their rounds for curfew; and other normal noises he would hear in Madrid. This piece was one of his most personal and cherished. I love it not only because of this, but also because the inspiration of the song and sound is so experimental and original.
    To me it shows how much Luigi loved the world around him, and how much he wanted to express this love through the beauty and creativity of music, which is beautiful.

  9. Honestly, Fanny Elssler didn't "create" anything, but the creations that the choreographers made and had her dance were great. I think that my single most works was the ballet "Faust". I think she is an amazing dancer, and if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be where I am right now dance wise. I wouldn't be en pointe, or even being able to dance the pieces that she did.

  10. The single most important work created by my artist Ninette Valois in my opinion was Checkmate and that was first onstage in 1937. Usually in ballet the men have very dominant roles and in Checkmate Ninette wanted something different that would keep the audience in suspense. In Checkmate the ballerina assumed the dominant role as the Black Queen bent on the destruction of the White King. The music was powerful and dominant as well. I would say the Checkmate is not a typical classical ballet. It was definitely out of her comfort zone in choreography, but is always what she went for.Something out of the ordinary and out of her way and challenging.

  11. The most important work created by Bernhard Crusell would be his clarinet concerto no.2 in F minor. It is a beautiful piece and sounds very smooth and pretty. The piece is very calming, yet not boring to listen to either.

  12. I believe that the single most important piece of art that my artist created was when she sang “Home Sweet Home” in 1862. I think this is the most important piece she ever sang because she sang it in the White House for President Lincoln and his wife. She was invited to to sing for them because their son, Willie, had recently died. She was invited to sing in hopes to cheer them up. They were both truly touched by her performance. Because of this, she used the piece as an encore for many of her recitals.

  13. I believe that the most important piece of art my author created was when she published "Uncle Tom's Cabin," in 1852.I believe this is the most important piece she wrote because "Uncle Tom's Cabin" is considered the book that started the war. Abraham Lincoln even believed that was true. However, I also think that that piece was important because the information that she publiished within the book opened a lot of eyes to what slavery was really about. It allowed people to finally see the truth that lied within that awful period of time.

  14. Well my artist didnt create she just danced the movements of someone elses creations. But her most important dance was the the role of "Giselle". It got her alot of attention and it was her best work out of her dancing career. She was applauded by many other dancers and no one can top her. The role was given to her by her mentor Jules Perrot. It also portrayed some of the poor people in the dance.

  15. I guess I would have to say it was her first musical "Miss Innocence." It is what skyrocketed her to fame. Because of the influence of the play she was in several Ziegfeld Follies and a lot of other musicals. She was a Broadway actress and loved by many.

  16. In my opinion, the most important piece of work created by Aphra Behn would have to be the play Oroonoko, or The Royal Slave. I think this play is one of her most important pieces because there was not much information left about her life and legacy for people to take in and admire. This play, having accounts of her actual life included, gives insight on the life of Aphra Behn. Even if there was no where you could find out anything about Aphra Behn, reading this play will help you gain a substantial amount of insight to her life.

  17. The single most important work of mine would be my book, "A Mirror Of Graces". That really is the root of everything else. without it, many women of my generation would know not how to conduct themselves.

  18. I thought all my pieces were fabulous and I honestly cannot pick a favorite. Of course I am Jenny Lind and Jenny Lind thinks she is better then everyone else.

  19. I believe my work on show boat was the most important work I did. Show boat really put me out there in the world and got me noticed. Most people recognize me from my shows on the show boat.

  20. Frankly I have created so many master pieces that I honestly forget which one I like the best. But my music as a whole tells a story. A story of a black man in a white world trying to make it. His sorrow and his lust for life pushed him to be the greatest ever.

  21. I would have to say that the most important work that I have made would have to be Ain't Misbehavin'. This is the one song that really put me out there on the map of the music world. A lot of people know me for this piece. This piece has really made me proud to be an artists.

  22. I believe that Antonio Vivaldi's most famous and well-known work is The Four Seasons. It is very long with many technical passages and because Mr. Vivaldi introduced a new musical style. It sounds fun, enjoyable, and interesting. Although he was poor throughout his life, The Four Seasons that he composed is one of the most famous works of all time. He was a composer of the Enlightenment Era, a time people tried new things.

  23. Christina Rossetti was really a rather obscure artist. However, her poem 'Flint' is one that I had heard a couple of times before this project. Flint is about the nature of stereotyping by looks alone, and the negative consequences of judging someone without getting to know them and learn what they are capable of. I love the way that Christina Rossetti used stones as an effective metaphor for the human race. I feel that this poem is socially very important and powerful. Reading the poem 'Flint' will teach anyone a lesson about life, judgement, and relationships to other people.

  24. I think Rachel Felix's most important work was when she portrayed the great heroine Amenaida in Voltaire's Tancrède. This was a really big deal because the industrial era was a time when woman’s rights were suffering to bring attentions to. Having a woman being the heroine of a play was a metaphor that women are not weak and they are capable of doing just about anything a man can do. Amenaida is a strong character who has a lot of will and guts. This is empowering to an audience because its eluding to the fact that woman are more than accessories. This was Rachel Felix’s way of voicing her opinion to the world.

  25. Well that's hard, but I'm going to say On the Goodship Lollipop, because it was her most famous work and personally it's one of my favorites. It was in the middlish of her younger career,so it just made her that much more famous and that much bigger.

  26. The most important work my artist has done has got to be Sadie Thompson. That was one of the most popular films Gloria Swanson has ever been in.

  27. I believe that all of Filippo Taglioni's work is to be applauded, but the accomplishment that I admired the most was getting his daughter Marie Taglioni to be one of the greatest dancers in history. Marie's French Ballet teacher once said "Will that little hunchback ever learn to dance?" and since then Filippo decided to make her one of the most beautiful dancers that the world had ever knew, and he did.

  28. The single, most important work done by Ellen Terry was definitely her comeback after her bad reputation as a teenager. She married a 47 year old artist when she was only 16. She was shunned by her siblings and family members, and wasn't welcome back on stage for a long time. She made a comeback by opening a theatre company in London with Henry Irving, who is one of the premier actors and stage leaders of the Imperialism era.

  29. I believe my single most important work would have to be my song Chester. It has been performed by many different composers and it is patriotic. I wrote this song during and for the Revolutionary Era.

  30. I think the most important work my artist did was her being in over a dozen operas, which included “Monsignisle le desert and Aline” her most important role was Eliane in Gretry’s opera “Les Marigiages Samnites”. Plus she was multi-talented!

  31. I believe that my Seventh Symphony was the single most important piece I have ever created. Not only is it a beautiful piece of music, but a lot- all of my heart and soul was put in to make this and make it right. This is a requiem I wrote to honor and and show (through art) what soldiers had to go through in WWII. "I had to write about it, I felt that it was my responsibility, my duty. I had to write a requiem for all those who died, who had suffered...I had to describe the horrible extermination machine and express protest against it."
    -Shostakovich on his Seventh Symphony depicting the tragedies of World War II.

    This is so important to me and I'm sure to many others. This just represents and honors so much. I (the blogger) believe it is very beautiful.

  32. I think Anne Langes most important work would have to be when she got the lead role in Pamela ou la Vertu recompense. It was not only the biggest role she got since the beginning of her carrer, but it put her on the acting map. But, aside from getting her known as a great actress, it got her in trouble with the government...

  33. The most important piece of work created by Pierre Beauchamp was creating the five basic positions of ballet. This is so important because as a dancer myself, I would not know how dance class or choreography would go with out them! They make ballet such a cleaner, disaplined practice. Also, over a hundred years later, his creation is still being used all over the world! This is a major accomplishment. He forever changed the practice of dance, for the best!

  34. The most important peice of work by Charles Crane has to be the Fox Theatre in Detriot. It is simply beautiful. The craftmenship in the contruction of it is incredible. I think it is one of the prettiest theatres in the country. The Fox Theatre is the reason I picked Mr. Crane to be my artist.

  35. The most important piece of work that Maria Malibran has done. I would say her performing for her first time as Romeo in Bellini's opera I Capuletti e i Montecchi. Where she truly thought of herself as one of the most important Person of Bellini's operas. Although she's done so much, and one of her true debuts were in Naples in La SonnAmbula. It was Romeo. Now it's hard to choose something that was most important to my artist. Was hard because she is an opera singer, whose work is rarely hers until, she started composing. They were great performances that meant so much to her, and did so much for her.

  36. The most important piece of work that Mehul created was his Opera Stratonice. This piece of music is quite exceptional in every way of musical writing. This piece captures Etienne Mehuls style perfectly. It is beautiful, and Dramatic at the same time. Just as all of Mehuls compostions!

  37. Though I did not get to personally read more than an excerpt of my artists' works, I believe her greatest accomplishment was Poems on Various Subjects which was published in 1803. This was her greatest accomplishment because this was her first published work. My artists' family had died and a lot of her children were dying and she still had children to feed. Anne Grant really turned to her writing to heal. Being a woman, a mother, and a widow must have made getting her works published feel nearly impossible. Anne Grant persevered and continued to write after Poems On Various Subjects.

  38. Well as you may know I was known to be one of the most important dancers of the 18th century. I brought lots of talent and creativity to the stage when I danced.I am famous for my pirouettes and my entrechat huit, which is a jump with four beats. I amazed people with my leaps and pirouettes. So as you can tell brought great talent into the world.

  39. I think that A Simple Story was the greatest work my artist did because it was a start of a whole new genre of books. The kinda stuff we read and see on television today. Lots of drama and romance and passion. I think that this book has inspired many other authors. This book was made in 1791 and it is STILL popular today! That is just crazy to me.

  40. i think that Rose Bertin Ship hat was the greatest work she did. It was so complex and unique. It is still remembered and shown in movies and other things to this day. I also think the wedding dress she designed for Marie Antoinette is her other great accomplishement, she was a stunning artist.

  41. I think that Paul Nash's greates piece was "The Menin Road" because it is a very beautiful painting and it has an underlying message. Although it shows the devastation and damage from World War One it also in its own way portrayes these things in a very beautiful way. Paul Nash had other extremely beautiful pieces but this one stands out to me for those specific reasons.

  42. Id have to say my characters legacy was my most important work by far. Each one of my performances were like small bricks. My artist didnt work in a time with cameras to record everything, but mouths did. People talking and keeping her legacy alive was the cement. Do you marvel at a brick and a pile of cement or a great mansion? My artists mansion is still standing and will continue to long into the future

  43. I think my artist's greatest work was her role in Charles Coffey's farce-opera adaptation, The Devil to Pay. Kitty established her carreer in this show. Without this roll she may have never gotted the reputation that she had after the show she became a popular actress in London.

  44. The single most important work of mine has to have been my hit Crazy Blues. The reason I say that is because that hit started me to get on my way an even remembered over time. That was splayed on radio stations. it made over a millions or should i say sold over a million copies. I felt like that was very outstanding in my carrier.

  45. Mr. Zukors penny arcade was really inspiring. He would play movies for 5 cents during the Great Depression. He showed not only his own art but the art of others. He, in general was an amazing guy because he kept that company running until he was run into the ground.
