Monday, May 7, 2012

5. What did you learn about yourself (as a burgeoning artist) from doing this project?


  1. I learned that as long as I do what I need to, and try hard at it, I can succeed in my art. Of course, sometimes not everyone does succeed even though they try, but I hope to not be one of those people.

  2. I learned that no matter what happens, if your family dies, or you gamble away all your money, if you find a true passion you will succeed. My passion is in the theater, and mostly acting, and I learned that if I truly put myself into it, that there will be some way to make ends meet. I learned that just because you have a major downfall, like gambling away all your money doesn't mean you have to quit doing what you love. I learned that going into a situation not knowing what the outcome will be, is sometimes the best thing to do, it might be a good outcome but it may be a bad one. If it's a good outcome, well then you will be happy, but if it is a bad outcome you will have learned from your mistake.

    Over all I learned that you can succeed if you have a true passion, if you really want to do it, if you enjoy doing it, and if you never give up just because times are rough. That is all you need to succeed in anything. That being said I feel pretty confident that I will succeed in acting.

  3. I learned that if you are very talented in what you do, you can kind of call the shots, or at least in my artist's case. I have also learned that money doesn't define who you are as an artists, talent does. If you have goals for your life and you truly work as hard as you can, you might be able to accomplish them. I love the stage, whether I am on stage or backstage I am happy and I learned that if your passionate your passion will drive you to do the best that you can. Learning about other artists has also taught me that you can come from ANY background and still be sucessful.

    I have come to the conclusion that if you don't have passion for what you do you can't be happy in it. Whether I am acting, singing, or stage managing I know that I will be happy with whatever I do.

  4. I have learned more than I ever thought I could from this project. I've learned that despite what mold society thinks I need fit in to as an artist (for example how society thought Hannah as a women shouldn't be an amazing talented artist on stage) that I am my own individual artist and I will display my own creative talent in my own style. I have also learned to try something new with my talent as an actress. Hannah was a comedic actress for her entire life, she decided to play Lady Macbeth (which is the exact opposite of a comedic role) and it ended up being the highlight of her career. So maybe I should try and do a monologue that I would never do and perhaps I'll surprise myself. I'v also learned that the only person who can really make myself get anywhere in life as an artist is myself. The backround of someones life, their financial situation, or even the type of life they live in the present means nothing unless they have the motivation and the strength and the perseverance to make themselves become something great. I believe that is the most important thing I have learned from this project as a burgeoning artist.

  5. One thing I learned from doing this project is that I really enjoy work that people put a lot of emotion into. The music is a lot more interesting and has aspects of it that catch you by suprise like a sudden change in pitch. I also learned that when I'm trying to put myself in another persons shoes, I end up almost becoming that person. I feel very empathetic towards them. I also seem to grasp what people felt like when certain events occured a bit better than I normally would be capable of.

    1. Going along with what I said earlier, I have noticed that the few songs that I myself have composed have a very emotional feel to them. I just found that interesting.

  6. In doing this project, I realized if I want to become an actress, which I completely do, I have to work my hardest for it. I'm so lucky to be going to an amazing arts school, but I know there is more that I can do. I am committed to letting myself become what I want so desperately to become. I realized I will stop at nothing to achieve, and I'm really proud of myself for that.

  7. I learned that when I took on the persona of someone else the writing became easier. Although this project was not easy and some of the questions were hard to understand being another person made it interesting.
    I felt lucky that I chose Georgia O'Keeffe because I liked her and I loved her work. I want to see her paintings and go to New Mexico.
    I didn't know any of the artists in my era except for Shirley Temple so I have learned a lot.
    The thing I totally loved about this project was designing the blogg!

  8. Not only did I learn more about the history of my craft, I also learned more about myself.
    Throughout his life, Luigi Boccherini had to make sacrifices for what he loved, and he had to make big steps in the world, even if the idea terrified him. I realized that life is full of those scary, massive steps, and that you have to overcome the fear of moving forward in order to progress and expand. Without a little fear in your life, there is no mystery, or adventure, there is no push forward that leads to the next stage of your life.
    Arts-wise, this project showed me that a person has to have confidence in themselves, and not worry about the judgements of others. Just be who you are, and hold your head high past the snobs and criticizers. I also realized that the artist I portrayed had reached his potential through hours, and days, and years of hard work. If I am going to reach my potential as an artist, I had better start putting in the realistic effort, otherwise, I might as well put up my bow now.
    The only thing that matters is the path leading to who you want to become. And with the determination, stubbornness, passion, and just a little bit of craziness, I can reach the end.

  9. After doing this project, I learned that as an artist, I will most likely face many roadblocks. It is just part of life. However, if I work hard and never give up, I can achieve success. I learned that I always must keep a positive attitude. I can never give up. No matter how many roadblocks I face, I must keep working hard. Eventually, all the hard work will pay off. Also, I learned that talent can lead to financial security. If there is ever a time when I am broke, my voice can be used as my financial security. I always have that to fall back on if I need to get a job, even if the pay isn’t much. In conclusion, I learned many important things, as an artist, from doing this project that will be very important in my future.

  10. By participating in the blog project, I learned that growing up in a christian home, and having strong roll models in your life, it can influence your whole thinking process about things. I also learned that although many people may not follow what's right, but what other people what them to follow, stand up for what's right and speak out against what's wrong. I really like my artist because for one, she was a woman and extremely successful in her career. I also like her because she taught me a lot of things about how to stand up for what's right. With her being a white woman taking up for black slaves was a dangerous job to do at the time. However, she fought and got through her career safely. She was a very brave woman and I admire that.

  11. From this blog i learned that choosing between two arts, singing and dancing is a not so bad of a choice to make. From my artist i know i can still sing even though im choosing dance over it. I also learned that if i work hard and take all the tips from my( mentor) teacher i will soon eventually create great work and be noticed for it, even if i have other competition.

  12. I have learned I am capable of pushing boundaries and breaking any stereotypes that I may fall under. There were just as many stereotypes and prejudices about groups of people in the 1600s as there are about groups today. I have also learned that some of those stereotypes have been broken, and in this period in time, it was the beginning of a movement of breaking stereotypes. Back then women were expected to learn the basic skills for reading and writing. Aphra Behn was one of the first of many innovators to prove raise the bar for the level of intelligence in women. She used this low expectation to push her forward to acquire very high skills in reading and writing, and her successful plays, scripts, and books are proof of her breaking the stereotype. I would say that doing this project and researching about Aphra Behn has made me a stronger, more ambitious artist, and now I am more willing to push boundaries.

  13. I learned that in order to be an great artist you have to be pushed in some way, shape or form. you have to have a motive. It doesn't matter what type of background you come from, if you push yourself and have supports you can achieve whatever you what.

  14. I did not learn very much at all about myself as an artist by posing as someone else. Yes, me and the "Lady of Distinction" both have an art in fashion but I could not see myself in her. She was anonymous. I find it hard to connect to an anonymous character.

  15. I did not learn much about myself from Jenny Lind but i did learn that if someone else who was more like her had a great connection they would realize they could do anything.

  16. I didn't learn any new things, I know myself like the back of my hand. But I did learn that I am not alone in this amazing music life.

  17. I learned that in life, you will always have hardships and trials, but in the end, if you continue to work hard and be strong, you will make it out alright and your dreams will come true. Only if you believe...

  18. I learned that I still have a lot to learn about poetry, but I am on my way to understanding. Christina Rossetti's poems are filled with symbolism and metaphor. These are two concepts that everyone learns in English, but few actually have a full understanding of. I am just beginning to grasp how to effectively and cleverly use symbolism and metaphor in my poetry. It was interesting to learn from a famous poet like Christina Rossetti.

  19. I learned that there are so many different ways to skin a cat. This project has taught me to approach my work with full heart dedication and passion and there are so many different ways to do this. It has taught me about new and creative ways to portray a character and it is an experience that will help me to get out of my own skin when I get into a character. Learning about an artist who is very similar to me made me connect to her thoughts an feelings. This has made me realize no matter what character I portray I will always find similarities to myself that will better connect me to the character. In conclusion this project will be an experience that will stay with me forever for it has taught me to be prepared, prescient in my work, and excellent listen skills and writing skills.

  20. I learned that all you have to do is try. My person didn't have to do that but she still was a Broadway star. If you really want something just go for it. And maybe in 2109 someone will do a project on you.

  21. I learned when I became someone else in this project and basically taking on the life of Ninette Valois is she made it happen. Yeah she may not be the best person or had the richest family. That didn't matter what matter was her friends and family helped her out and that Sergei Diaghilev her teacher, friend. and inspiration is who got her here today. He helped her make a name for herself. His production of Sleeping Beauty is what inspired and influence her to become a teacher, choreographer and artistic director. Having a chance to become the voice of Ninette Valois taught me to try everyone once in awhile you never know what my happen or who might just come around to help you later in life.

  22. I learned that it is sort of hard to become a person who isn't you, but in the end, I feel like I am still her. It is a little weird to think that we had to become this person in a short amount of time. It was a great experience getting to learn about her life, social status, family and career. It was great. I love learning about other dancers from different time periods and they also had different styles too.

  23. I learned that you should try your hardest in every little thing you do. The harder you try, the more fun and more benefitial it is to you. I also learned that we have it easy. Most of these artist had to struggle to get where they were, even Shirley Temple. If she didn't act like a 100% complete adult, even as a child about 2-8, she would have been put into a small black box that just would have her and a huge chunk of ice and darkness, so yes we do have it easy.

  24. I learned that if you really try your hardest you can do what ever you want.

  25. I did not know very much about Antonio Vivaldi before this project except for the fact that he wrote a few of my favorite violin concertos. I had not heard of his most famous work, The Four Seasons. I did not know that he was a priest and lived in Venice, or was even Italian. When I chose this artist, I thought to myself, "I want to learn more about one of my favorite composers" and I did, and i'm glad I did. Antonio Vivaldi was poor throughout his life, and not much is known about him. With lots of determination and dedication, I worked hard to find facts on him that few people know. I learned that if you work hard enough, you can dig up the information you have long been looking for.

  26. From this project I learned a lot of things but the most important things as an artist are:

    - Sometimes I get really frustrated as a dancer because it is not an easy playground, and sometimes I wondered if it is so hard for me because I am not great or spectacular and if I should just give up. But these project made me realize that the most recognized artist in this world had to struggle, sometimes a lot, but the difference with them is that no matter who hard it gets you can't never give up.

    - Another thing that I learn as an artist is that you will always receive critics, even if you are one of the most amazing artist, and they are not always nice to hear. The secret is not to let those critics loose faith in you but instead set higher goals four yourself. Like when Marie's dance teacher told her that she was ugly and she would never be a dancer, but rather than quitting Filippo determined that his goal for her would be to make her the a beautiful ballerina, and he did indeed.

  27. I learned from this project as an artist is that it's going to take years of practice and rehearsing to become successful.I learned that as an artist, you won't get jobs right away. It'll take a lot of failure and a lot of trying to find success in my art. I also learned that it takes skill and lots of typing and proofreading to do a blog.

  28. I learned that it will take years of practice and dedication in order to be the artist you want to be. It also taught me that working hard would and could get you to where you want to be and that you have to be serious in what you are doing.

  29. I have learned alot from this project. I as an artist have been through alot and still became a famous pianist. I've went from being a poor taner loosing his father with little education to becoming a great pianist with a family of my own and a wife. You dont have to come from a rich or even famous family to become great, it's all about the passion and talent an artist can bring to the table. It may have taken me alittle time to get where I am but whats a life without alittle work?

  30. From this project, I have learned so much and grown as an artist. I have also learned that it takes time. Patience, hard work, and practice to become something great. A little luck wouldn't hurt either! I also know to use your experiences and emotions to your advantage. To inspire writing, dance, music, art. To improve a performance and bring the audience in. This project has really taught me and showed me how to become a better artist and person.

  31. I haven't learned that much about myself from Bernhard Crusell, however from this project I have learned how to go further into research. Creating a personality for somebody I don't know just by researching a few things about him. This project was really fun to complete, as I was able to be creative.

  32. Well, I have learned that if you try, you can be great. It doesn't really matter where you come from. Rich family or poor. Alot of people in the revolutionary era wern't rich. Some of them didn't even have support from their parents. But because they tried and never gave up, they became great in whatever art they did. This project also helped my creative writing skills.

  33. I learned that art is about passion and determination. Although my artists didn't really struggle with society and financial issues, many other artists did. You CAN pursue your career in the arts, you just have to have confidence, patients, determination, and lots of practice. Do what you believe is right. Art is about experessing yourself, not other people, so do what you want and believe. Of course your going to have your haters! But pushing past them makes you an even stronger artist! You can see plenty examples of that on this blog, and now look! The artists are having projects done on them 100's of years later.

  34. This project has taught me that in order to persue a career in the arts, you have to work extremely hard. You have to be willing to take chances. If you have talent in your art, the sky is the limit. If you are determined enough to be successful in anything that you are doing, there is no way you will fail at being that great artist that you were meant to be. It does not matter who your parents are and where they are in society, you can still florish in your work. Just do not give up!

  35. What I've learned about myself as an artist through this project is that things dint always go as planned. Also that the way your life starts does not dictate how your going to become the successful artist you want to be. You don't have to be rich anf have things handed to you. When you have a talent also for anything it takes hard work, drive, passion. Rehearsals, great training and so much patience. Because you Have to work, but work without a love for what you do is pointless.

  36. This project has allowed me to learn about art in many different ways. With myself and others. I have learned that you do not have to have loads of money to be succesful. Sometimes the best people don't. I have learned that no matter what happens in your life, as long as you have the passion and the devotion for what you do, you will be successful in many ways! It has helped me alot with my passion for music!

  37. I learned that it's always possible to achieve what you want. If you want your words to be heard, then someone out there wants to listen to them. Our jobs as true artists are to create something out of the nothings that are our lives. I've learned to really portray what has happened and who I am. There will always be people trying to bring us down. Maybe i'm not necessarily discriminated against for being a woman, but there are so many reasons that I am discriminated against but I am going to continue to create and continue to be me. Anne Grant showed me that you continue to do what makes you feel better, whether its writing or reading, until you really are better.

  38. From doing this project I got to understand how older dancers had to live and how they contributed to the great art that I love with all my heart today. I got to learn more about ballet history and where the resources I have now came from. One thing I liked about this project was it gave me a new idol to follow. It showed me someone who has done so much for my art and who is a fantastic dancer as well. Also by taking the time to research videos on youtube I was exposed to great ballets that I've never seen before.

  39. I learned that you don't have to have wealth, you have to have passion. So many people now a days believe that wealth is all they need, i believe you should "do what you love and love what you do." I also learned that whatever your passion is, weather it be Dance, Drama, Music, etc. if you put your mind and your heart into your work, you will be a true artist, well known or not. Love What you do and Do what you Love.

  40. I have learned that you have got to find what you are good at, even if you may think you love doing something else, that may not be what is best for you. Inchbald always thought she was going to be an actress, her brother was successful and she thought she could follow in his tracks but that wasn't what was best for her. She had a speech impediment which made it hard for her to get work. She was not giving up on theatre though, she started writing plays. Since she became so good at writing that started to become her main profession. So though she may have loved acting more, being an author was what she was best at.

  41. I have learned a lot about art doing this project. I learned that you do not need money to be a successful artist, although it may help it is not always necessary. Art during my time period was very meaningful and I think it had a stronger message then it does a lot of the time now. Even though it was a very sad time during World War One and a lot of people were killed as well as many things were damaged the images portraying these action were quite beautiful.

  42. I learned that no matter what, regardless of your financial situation, your location, or state of mind, there is art that can be made. I also learned that as an artist, I don't always have to play safe with my art and to think outside the box. To satisfy myself overall with my art and to express what's within me.

  43. My artist taught me that no matter what obstacles are in front of me they are miniscule compared to my dream. Fighting for the big picture is soooo worth it, because one day I could have my own canyon or candy! You only have one life and it shouldn't be spent fighting for material things but happiness. Plus like history stuff, but more life lessons. Acting careers usually stick to one roadmap and now that Ive seen it I can maybe bypass a few unfinished roads and some traffic.

  44. I learned that your background doesn't define your talent. Kitty was poor when she started acting and she still quickly became one of the most popular actresses of her time. If you have a dream, if you are talented, if you are commited you can accomplish what you set out to do. I also learned that sometimes you know exactly what style of art you want to practice, what genre, and sometimes you don't but that shouldn't stop you. Fear is something that holds alot of us back, we are afraid to go out of our comfort zone but if we don't we might miss out on a talent that could take us to the places we want to be in life. This project taught me that if you are passionate and you don't let fear define you, you can be successful.

  45. By doing this project i learned that i have to aprechiate what others do to know what i to is good. I also realized that African Americans have come so far i am one of those that have come so far

  46. I learned people come from varying backgrounds. I as an artist will continue to grow in artistic talent and will never stop. Art is all about how much you put into it. If you put your heart and soul into it people will appreciate it for years to come
