Monday, May 7, 2012

1. How do you think the time period in which a person lives affects their ability to create?


  1. The ability to create has not changed in any drastic way since we began creating artistic pieces. Of course, as our tools and implements have evolved and been improved, we have been able to create more complex art works. In our current day and age, we have many tools at our disposal to make art different. Of course people from many decades, or centuries ago, had a harder time creating what we can do today.

  2. The time that a person lives affects the ability to create very drastically. If you lived under a communist government most likely, it would be illegal to create certain types of things. In china the art of theater was nearly destroyed because of the controlling government of the time. The revolutions might restrict the ability to create new art pieces, the revolutionaries might get upset with your art pieces and behead you or something. Our new technologies make it so much easier to create pieces of art in anyway shape or form. Different people may be in 'control' at different time, but artists create no matter what, but they might find it more difficult because they have to go to various extents to hide what they are creating. The time also comes with inventions, say I lived about three hundred years ago, and I was writing a play, and I lost it in the middle of writing it. I would then have to restart. But today I would start typing a play, and I would save it and it would always be on the computer.

  3. The time period during which an artist lives doesn't really affect the ability someone has to create. Everyone is born with a certain amount of ability to create. There's no one and nothing that can take away that ability from you. It's up to you to cultivate your talents and, with that, help nurture that ability of yours. Everyone has the potential to do great things.
    Now, I will say that the time period an artist lives in can influence what they create. For example, you probably wouldn't see me writing a Pop song like those of today if I lived during the Enlightenment era. Classical music was "the thing" back then so I probably would've written classical music. I will also say that you could interpret this question to mean can other people stop you from creating? The answer to that, in my opinion, is that people can make it nearly impossible for you to create. They can set up laws to restrict your work and set up the severest of consequences (like during the Cultural Revolution in China)for doing what you want anyway. But, they can never truly take away your freedom of choice on what to create. You might do your work secretly or even die from your decision to create what you want anyway but you still have the ability (as in potential) to create what you want. So, as you can see, what the people of your time think and do can have a great affect on what kinds of art you produce but no one can take away your ability/potential to create.

  4. I think the time period that a person lives in can not affect their ability to create. Sometimes the time period does have an influence on what the artist will create, but I don't think the artist creating art is affected by the time period. If someone is a true artist, then they won't let anything affect their creative process, even if there are terrible wars going on around them, the wars would not stop them from making art, but the wars could inspire them to make their art look or sound a certain way. The time period in which one lives can affect the physical appearance or sound of an artist's work, but no time period could ever take away a true artist's ability to make art.

  5. I think a time period in which a person lives does affect their ability to create great works of art because their time period affects the setting in which they live and their surroundings which affect their mood which affect the kinds of art they want to create. If, for example, someone lived on a prairie all their life, they may want to paint flowers growing in a field under a bright blue sky with lots of sunshine more that someone suffering in poverty. Our surrounding greatly affect the mood that we are in each day. If you woke up one morning and found out that Coffee Emporium is closed for the day, you are probably going to be in a bad mood the rest of the day, or at least crabby for the morning. Our moods then reflect in our artwork. If you are crabby one day, you'd probably want to play sad music instead of a fast hard piece of music.

  6. The time period in which in an artists lives, no matter what branch of art they are involved in fully affects the artists ability to create. One reason why I think this is that what is going on in the artists surroundings politically, economically, and socially will influence the type of work an artist does. For instance in the Communist Soviet Union regime the type of work an artist was permitted to create was terribly limited by the law. So that of course affects what an artist will create, as well as the events going on around them. If a war is going on, a musician might create patriotic music for their country. Also artists around their time will influence them as well. In drama class, if I see someone perform a monologue really well, I will want to look at their performance to find what made it special and see if I can apply that to my own work. So the other artists in the time will affect the artists ability to create because they will influence the individuals style of creation.

  7. I think the time period you live in does not affect an artists ability to create however the circumstances that surround the artist does. If you are born into slavery or poverty things are going to be difficult. If you have no education things are going to be difficult but not impossible. If the government restricts you creating work again things are going to be hard. Art work has always been created, right from the cave paintings and it is what makes us unique as humans!

  8. How I think the time period affects the way a person is able to create is, it affects I'd say I'm some ways what the person creates. Because most artist or even just ordinary people create things bases on past events and emotions. Troubles and fears, inspiration, motivation, heart break or even something new, But some also do associate what their living in with it as well. How the time period can affect that, is if the time period your living in has a lot of chaos ( which is almost every period ) but true chaos that affects all ages it gets people thinking. Which often gets people expressing. That could also happen in a period where there's say the government has too much control. Or things are going wrong in other countries, it either emotionally affects a person and or gets them thinking. And out of thought and hurt, amazing things and works come out of that. At least for an artist. So how the time period affects that is it can simply make you think differently. I can think about anything randomly. But iys just saying you think about things as things happen around you. New things happen, new ideas and new things are created.

  9. Also it's not the time period, honestly thy means nothing unless your looking at the past. But it's want goes on in, what happens in it.

  10. I think that the only thing that time would really affect is the time it creates to make things. For example during my era (industrial era) everything was written by hand. Now we can just go on a computer and compose.Just like Maria Malibran has stated, if there is a a lot of chaos within the government, it gets people expressing. Especially if the government were taking away your right to express yourself through art, that can affect your ability to create something. However, I believe anybody can create anything at any time.

  11. Well in my time period (the Enlightment Era) it wasn't so hard tp create because the Enlightment was a time of new ideas obviously. But in early time periods like mine, it can be a little difficult because we might not have the resources we need to help us create. But somebody had to create those resources at some point right?!

  12. To add on to my comment above I must say because somebody had to create these resources to help us that's what The Enlightment era is for. Without the Enlightment Era we wouldn't have the great resources we have today. Without our ideas, later generations wouldn't have ideas to improve upon.

  13. I believe if you have the talent, then you have complete ability to create works of art. True, the technology has changed and improved since Lillian Gish was a working actress, but she didn't let that stop her. She led the path to greatness because of her talent, and that had nothing to do with the time period. However, talent has seemed to decrease in quality since the silent film era. Many people who are creating and performing art most definitely should not be. I still stand by my previous statement, if you have the talent you have the ability, no matter what era you're in.

  14. In the time period of my artist (the Enlightenment Era), it was very difficult for an artist to use their craft to support themselves independently. They either worked (not unlike servants) for other people, or had to hire for performing and composition jobs. Also it was almost impossible for an artist to make a name for themselves without the help of a wealthy, well-connected patron. This was a true injustice and many artist never received any deserved recognition and often reached the end of their lives in poverty, as Boccherini did. Because of this, many people would chose to continue their art as merely a hobby,(or not at all), and would get a job that would more reliably pay the bills.
    So yes, I think the time period in which a person lives does affect their abilities to create. In different points in time, the mass public will have different levels of open-mindedness, there will be a general idea of what is and isn't "art", and the size of the pay-check will always vary from artist to artist. It is a price to pay to pursue the passion of creating art, but I believe many would agree that it is a price worth paying.

  15. I think it greatly affects an artist ability to create greatly. When there's a war or a genocide or anything along that lines, it tends to throw everything off, people lose their jobs because of it. There wasn't a lot of well paid jobs in these era's and sometimes artists can't support themselves to the point where they choose to not make a living out of there art. Some artists did rather well in tough times while others couldn't do it. The ones who did well had expressed the pain of the times in there art and i believe that made people want to buy and admire their work. It shows the strengths and weaknesses of those times.

  16. In the time period of my artist (the Imperialism Era), it wasn't very difficult for my artist to use their talents to be able to have a successful career and to be able to support themselves, including their families in life. I say this because Harriet Beecher Stowe started her career at an early age, and also she had special connections because her father was a minister. That gave her an advantage over everyone else. However, although she started her career at an early age, and she had special connections, she was still a woman. A woman trying to have success like a man was rare in her days. Although that seems as if those examples were roadblocks, they really didn't effect her career severely. Because she spoke out against slavery, it really gave her a lot of publicity. She published multiple novels that was on that subject; her work was extremely popular at the time. So to answer the question, yes, I think the time period in which a person lives does affect their abilities to create.

  17. I don't really think the time period in which a person lives affects their ability to create, because all of our artists were famous and obviously they made it happen if they were financially stable or not. Each and every one of artists had something unique that made them special and creative in their own way. Ninette Valois had a supportive family and friends that helped her name get known and helped her get where she is today. During her time was the Great Depression and that last for some time and it had effected her company Sadler's Wells and her dancers. She lost some of her male dancers because of the war, her company had gotten destroyed, but eventually she got a new home for her dance company. Ninette Valois was always influenced by her surroundings and the events that went on around her to create a diversity in her choreography, which helped her intended audience to understand what was going on. So I think the time period in which a person lives in does not affect their ability to create with or without the Great Depression Ninette Valois would of still been a magnificent dancer and choreographer.

  18. In the time period of my artist, (Industrialization Era) everything was starting to become more technologically advanced. It must have been hard to try and keep dancing while so much stuff is going on in the outside world. The industrialIzation Era was one of those periods of time that it could make families rich and prosperous, and some poorer than they were to begin with. People also have a different take on things and how it could effect their lives. Plus, both men and women were becoming more equal in the dance place. The dance industry, (even today today still) is thriving for male dancers because it is more of a graceful art, rather like football where you get battle wounds to show off. So, what I am trying to say is, yes, the time period that someone is living in does affect their abilities to create.

  19. The time period in which a person lives affects their ability to create because depending on what time period you are living in, the government may be limiting your ability to create. In certain countries, the government permitted you from having a voice. Some people could not speak their mind, or create their art. This highly affects a dedicated artist. It would be extremely hard for an artist who has a passion for their work to not be allowed to create their art. Even though it seems very harsh, certain countries in certain time periods ruled this way. The government completely controlled what people could do. Overall, a time period can affect an artists ability to create art because during certain time periods, rulers of some countries didn’t allow artists to create art, or they restricted their art.

  20. The time period in which an artist lives in, for example my artists era(Revolutionary Era) can affect their ability to create art because the world is always going through some big change. Most of those changes involve a decrease in money for a lot of people. Also during that time fighting for certain rights to do things such as expressing your art may be hard because of restrictions and what not. For some artists being hit hard by an economic change or political change can distract an artist to stay focus and keep making art because of their struggling or it may inspire them.

  21. Well personally, I think the time anyone was born in affects the art they create. If you were born in a time period were everything is great in the world, your art would be different than someone born in a time period were everything is about war and hurt. During my era, many composers wrote patriotic songs which kind of corresponds with what people were feeling while fighting in the Revolutionary war. Also, the playwrites were affected by this era. They either wrote comedies, providing somewhat of a "comidic relief", while others wrote about the sad and depressed feelings people had. It all just depends on when you were born, and what was going on at the time.

  22. I think it affects the artist greatly! One, depending on the economical situation they are in, they might not have the money and resources to create art. Second, the situation can put the artist through struggle and not be able to concentrate, but making them more determined to make art at the same time. If the artist has the resources though, they will make art regardless because you see, serious artist need to make art no matter what if they are able too. I know as long as I have what I need, I will.

  23. The time period reflects how the create because each time period has different ideas and beliefs. A poem about freedom is different for someone in the 1910's than in 2012. It's also about personal opinions. People in the early 1900's wanted civil rights for all. In the early 2000's people want freedom for gay rights. It changes from place to place, decade to decade, and person to person.

  24. I think the time period in which a person lives refelcts their work because the time period in which you live in is what creates your work. Nowadays they have pop songs and and things like that. Back in the industrial era they would never even think of making pop songs. So I really think it matters.

  25. I don't believe the time period necessarily affects your ability to create but rather what you create. It all depends on what your influences are from your time and how you were raised. all those factors depend on what art you have.

  26. I think the revolutionary era gave some artist inspiration to write. The era doesn't affect the ability but it can affect the creation. Some of my pieces are patriotic but others have nothing to do with what is going on in my era.

  27. I would say that the time period in which you live will highly influence how you create your art. If you are going through hardships in your life it will impact your art in a major way. If there was something going on in the world, whether good or bad, it will cause your brain to think about whatever is going on while you are going through it.

  28. The Era of a person's life time greatly effects their ability because different times in a persons life can influence their art and possibly good it is. If it is a era of music a ballet dancer no matter how amazing she is will not prosper, us artist need our fans. But the musician will do just fine, all fame really is is how much people like you. You could be the best darn artist in this lifetime but if nobody likes you they wont give our music the time of day. Unlike the hard working artist who may to be as good but people will draw toward his music more.

  29. The Ear in which a person lived affects their ability to create because of the struggles and the people holding you back. time might be hard ad your parents will probably want you to find a real job instead of pursuing your art.

  30. I think the time period in which a person lives affects their ability to create because I think that influences of distress and happy events in history effect the emotion in the work. The more emotion I can put into my work as a performer the more passionate I become about my work. No audience wants to see a performer with no passion. The environment around you affects how you look at things. If I were to be the richest person in my neighborhood and everyone else in the neighborhood right next to me was in poverty it would make me want to take action and maybe try and make a difference. Also the period in which you live can affect your economic status and stability. This is an event that can affect your amount of opportunities as a starving young artist. In addition to this during certain time periods some cultures are more influenced than others. Depending on the time period you live in some cultures can affect your work and even improve it more than others.

  31. I believe the time period does effect the artists reasorces and because they may have limited reasources. Also some artists put history into their art. So I do believe the time period effects the artist

  32. I believe that the time period in which an artist lives does not necessarily effect their ability to create, but it does effect what they produce when creating. Even if you are not very interested in politics or social activism, you will always be affected by your environment when creating art. However, no time period can affect an artist's ability to create art. The time period may in some way hinder an artist, but will not be able to take away their ability.

  33. Well Shirley certainly had an effect on her ability to create during that time period, because the time period is basically what she based her entire career around. It was the time of the great depression where everyone was sad and gloomy. She used that and tried to make everyone a little happier and smile. How ever I do believe sense she was small, cute, and talented she could've made it in any era.

  34. The time period in which a person lives pretty much shapes the way they act but also the way they create. People like trendy from clothes to arts, and trends have always changed along history. A lot of times artist like to please the audience with what they like and that is a pretty clear example of how the time period can influence an artist. Some other times artist like to rebel from what is trendy or what the people wants and choose do stuff that break any expectation. That is also another way in which time period influences. Also the time period shapes the where are the artists getting their inspiration from. Is it fighting? Is it new philosophic ideas? Is it famine? Is it struggle for freedom? Any of those can inspire an artist and be reflected in their art.

  35. A time period in which a person lives shapes who they will be as artists, and how they create themselves to becoming the successful artists. A time period influences how the artist responses as well. If a country during the era of Imperialism was being colonized and used for resources, artists would respond through their art, whether it's through a song, play, piece of music, etc, people will show the affects of the time period through what they "create."

  36. I don't believe that the time peroid in which a artist lives affects their ability to create but it might affect what that person creates. Inspiration and the tools to create are everywhere and people in this time period are able to create just as much as people in the Revolutionary and Enlightenment Era. Our ability to create is based on our surroundings. In my case I can be able onr thing in a quiet closed in room, but if I am in a big room with a lot of people I can create something completely different. The time period in which people live in might affect what they create because of the events happening around them. Two artists could be in the same place in different time periods, create the same amount of work, but what they created could be completely different. The time period thatt the artist is in might affect what they create but not the amount that they create.

  37. I think that a time period is able to help artist by giving them the tools to make it easier to succeed in the arts. Like today we have so many ways to become an artist, there are many classes and art schools in America making it so much easier. During Praskovia's time (which was the Enlightenment Era)it was easier to become an artist then before because the enlightenment era encouraged people to have a view of life and it made it easier to be an artist. So yes, the time period you live in totally helps you become an artist.

  38. Based on what I have learned about Kitty, the time period in which she lived did not affect her ability to perform. Comedic plays were around before the revolutionary era so Kitty, being a comedic actress, could have been around in any era. During the revolutionary era there was so much inspiration for play writes that that inspiration and creativity overflowed and affected the actors and actresses. The time period in which the artist lives may affect the type of art they create and the types of genre that they choose to create in but it in no way affects their ability. If an artist was placed into another era they may practice a different genre but they could still create no matter what the circumstances because a true artist is not affected by the constraints of their enviornment or society.

  39. I believe a time period in which someone lives affects their ability to create, because (depending on you period) you have certain conduct and things people expect of you when creating art. If you did what people didn't want you to do, you could be ostracized, go bankrupt, or even be arrested and killed. No, these are not the only cases though (or there would be no new forms of art!), you can create art off of your experiences. From loud, harsh music to soft, gentle music and stiff beats to smooth jazz. Art has evolved over time and still is!

  40. I do believe that the time period which someone lives affects there ability to create. My artist, Pierre Beauchamp, lived in the Enlightenent Era, which was a break through for a lot of artists to change the traditional way of things. With that said, I would assume that this time period made it challenging for people to create new work because a lot of people were against the change. Some artists probably had to deal with a lot of fear of getting in trouble by the royalty for their art as well. Now-a-days, artists can pretty much create any kind of art they want. Still, of course, creating art does not mean fame, but we have a lot more freedom today.

  41. I beleive the time period in which someone lives affects their ability to create somewhat, because of the rights you need to express you work, to its full potential. Wemon in these certain time periods, have not had the same advantages as men in creating there work. The time periods that we were in during the project, did not include the rights that a lot of people needed to florish in there work. I believe many artists had wonderful talents. It was hard for these artists to show these talents because of the society they lived in.

  42. I believe that the time period that somebody lives in does effect there work. I think it effects work greatly because sometimes you have restrictions and inspiration triggered by what is happening around you during that very place and time. Which means 10 years later it could be completely different and your restrictions and inspirations could be very different. So yes it does matter.

  43. Based on what I have learned about Etienne Mehul, the time period affected my artists creativity in a good way. It gave Mehul ideas and inspirations so he could create beautiful music. The time period that he was in also gave a certain style later on in his music career. For example, because of the revolution that was going on he started writing more patriotic pieces, some even for Napolean. So I would have to say that the time period that one lives in does affect them, but the ability to create has not yet changed in a such dramatic way.

  44. The time period in which a person lives completely affect what the person creates. In certain time periods certain races, genders, ethnicity, ideas, and beliefs could not be created and published. The time period affects the way the person or artist grows up and the experiences they have. Whether or not your art is taboo and the rules set by other artists in your time period help set standards for the art that you will create. My artist, Anne Grant, was a woman during the enlightenment era. This caused certain people to discriminate against her without even reading her works. In this era, most people think that it would be ridiculous to judge a piece of art on whether or not it was created by a woman or man even though we still find this discrimination in certain areas. The era in which you create art helps decide why you are creating art. Your era is where you are inspired.

  45. Well I think that the time period effects a lot of what an artist can create. Some social problem in that era might really be effecting an artist and they can showcase their views on it throughout their art.
    In different time periods different things are going on. If there is a genocide happening within someones life that must be effecting them in some way. It might make them want to do more serious art to get the message across and make people aware, or it might be light and humorous trying to make the situation better.

  46. With the development of new technology every second it gradually becomes harder and/or easier to create. My artist had to learn new languages for her to act around the world. In this time period you can just add subtitles at the bottom. Learning a new language has to effect the creation of art because every country has different ways of saying things and rules of the stage. Take India, you may not sleep or scratch on stage. But acting in Imperailist times was a richer, more authentic, experience because you didn't have to compete with reality tv for ratings. Although Shakespeare was bowlderized at times, acting was 'realer' then.
    The creation of art in different time periods depends on technology and the resources around at the time.

  47. During the time period, a person's life can make it difficult to create. That makes me think about being in and around new cultures in your life. In doing so you would have to learn new languages and new styles. In addition to that you still have to keep in mind that you are your own person and you have to make your mark and know that there was something good that you will leave behind.

  48. A person's time period affects their art in many ways. It all differs because of the times and what is affecting them. People respond differently to many things. During the Great Depression, for example many artists created positive art to make everyone feel better.
