Thursday, April 19, 2012

Era of Imperialism Discussion Question 1

The age of imperialism was a time of transition around the globe. As control of territories changed, citizens' ways of interacting in their communities also changed. Explain how artists in your era showed an awareness of these changes.


  1. Well I personally wrote plays about it in a way. This whole transition thing helped me be able to be able to travel from one place to the next. My theater that I opened, well we let the poor only have to pay about a penny to come see a show. I also wrote plays about the world and how people were being affected by this whole Imperialism.

  2. (Irish accent)
    I do not know why in de world I am being given the silent treatment from rich snobs that I don' even know!

  3. (Irish accent)


    1. I very much sense your frustration here John. I hope that the conversation has moved along more smoothly!

  4. During the age of imperialism, countries extended their power into other countries by force. These powerful countries influenced other countries to adapt to their ways of thinking on certain aspects of government and culture. John, you were born in Ireland, correct? I lived in the United States for the majority of my life. I moved to the country when I was five. During the late 1800’s, the USA was the world’s leading industrial power. Our economy was becoming very successful. European powers had recently began to imperialize many other countries. Because of the rapid growth in our economy, it made sense that we should establish overseas colonies. This would provide our country with new markets for goods and new sources of raw materials. Eventually, our country became a huge imperialist power. As a result, our economy continued to prosper.

    A prosperous economy resulted in our country having more money as a whole. People were well off and had money to spend on the arts. Theaters were plentiful because private owners could invest in these facilities. Families could go to the opera because they had money to spend on the arts. This made my career successful because money was going into the opera department. Many people came to see my operas. This increased my opportunities to perform, which also increased my salary.

    In conclusion, artists during the late 1800’s were affected by imperialism in the USA. Since our country was a prosperous participator in the field, the economy was successful. As a result, the arts flourished and artists became well off. Because of this, I was wealthy and had a successful career. However, artists who lived in countries that were not prosperous through imperialism might not have had as wealthy of an economy. Therefore, the arts in their community might not have been as successful. Overall, imperialism can affect an artist because it can be a factor in how wealthy the economy is. The wealth of the economy determines how much money can be spent on the arts, which greatly affects an artists opportunity and paycheck.

    1. I have to agree with Adelina. I was highly affected by imperialism, but in a good way. Once imperialsm began, I prospered from it by becoming a well known author and full time author, and being able to live a comfortable life. Imperialsm made the economy better which helped my career even more. It helped my career because imperialsm resulted in a wealthier economy, which allowed people to buy my publishings. Imperialism had a good affect on me.

  5. Adelina,
    I'm glad someone decided to talk to me the old man
    You have a few points. how the economy is affected and how that affects the arts.
    But I came from a crippled economy but was still more successful than you. Please to avoid a food fight at dinner, quit being such a rich snob.

  6. Irish people were most understanding and the most talented during this time that was harsh to some but was beneficial to others.

  7. John,
    I’m glad you agree with my points on economy. However, I am highly insulted by your comment about my success. My career was a huge success. I performed in many opera houses around the USA. I will not get into a food fight with you because I am professional. I’m going to ask that you act like a mature adult. The dinner table doesn’t need your immaturity.

    1. I suspect that John has had far too much fatty food and Irish whiskey down at that end of the table.

    2. Ms. Andreadis, I suspect that he has too!

  8. You did not see the world, you did not perform around the world. I opened up a theater in New York. I performed in London. All this made possible by imperialism, I was not under harsh conditions during Imperialism. But at least I can understand how some were and not be selfish enough to say, " Hi I am Adelina and Imperialism was beneficial!" Because I am good enough to open up the Theater to the poor public so all can see my art and not rely on bunches of money. I care about performing my art more than than the size of my wallet.

    1. John,

      My name is Harriet Beecher Stowe. I have been reading your publishings, and have found them quite disturbing. I, again, have to agree with Adelina and say that we are all adults here! Immaturity and arguing is not the proper way to conduct yourself. I understand that you have your opinions, but say them in a respectful way. The only way we are going to be able to have informative discussions is if we are all mature. Please take that in casideration the next time your reply to another persons posts.

  9. I was born in Spain, for your information. I might not have traveled the world, but I know quite a lot of information about it. I do not think that imperialism was beneficial for all. However, it was very beneficial for me because I lived in America. Imperialism was a huge benefit for my country. How did imperialism affect Ireland?

    1. Adelina,

      My name is Harriet Beecher Stowe and I thank you for expressing yourself in a proffessional way! You make a lot of good points about imperialsm that I agree with. I agree with you when you said that you think that imperialsm wasn't beneficial for all. I also have to agree with that also because even though economies got better, everybody didn't prosper in the time of imperialism like we did.

    2. Hello Ms. Stowe! I am glad that you agree with my point of view. It is very nice to see you!

  10. I honestly do not know how it affected Ireland because due to my parents death and my brothers and sisters deaths, I moved to London before Imperialism took affect in Ireland.

  11. Living in England during the age of Imperialism was splendid! Great Britain colonized most parts of the world, supplying my country with many resources from countries such as Asia and Africa. Our communities and neighborhoods were well off, like Adelina stated, and my country continued to prosper! I was well off even when I wasn't working as an actress.

    Now, John dear, I don't think it's quit fair to call Irish people the most talented during this era. If you don't remember looking at these people's artifacts, and reading people's interviews, every artist at this dinner are extremely talented, and not all Irish. Now to leave the negativity aside, I do agree with you John, how economy affects the arts and the artists. If the country wasn't doing well economically, would you expect any form art to flourish? I think having easier communications helped the art world sprout into what it is now, which was helped by Imperialism.

    Adelina, I will always admire everything you say about the arts and your career. I agree with everything you say!

    I hope more people show up to the dinner! Cheers!

  12. Ellen,
    The arts could flourish in a poor community. You can't buy talent, you have it naturally, and yes, it is easier to get your hands on resources for the arts. But you can always make do with what you have.
    And about Irish people being the most talented. Well yes, everyone here is talented, but I am obviously the most accomplished because my superior talent. I am sorry but it is true.

  13. John,
    Darling, let's not get our knickers in a twist. I agree with you that you can't buy talent! All of us here at this dinner were born to be performers, writers, musicians, composers, etc. I do believe that you are extremely talented, but I don't believe you've accomplished anything here than being arrogant! Now, I apologize for having to get snippy, but I would like to go to at least one dinner party without an argument breaking out!

  14. Ellen,
    I thought rather fondly of you. Well knickers is a scottish word not an Irish word. And I am NOT arrogant! How else would I have made the best out of every situation, bad or good? I took my parent's deaths and my siblings' to motivate me to do good! I did not give up because of that, And I am sure you would have. I will not argue if people do not lie. This would break out an argument and might just lead to a food fight, " Oh John, I am more talented than you" or " Oh john, you have accomplished nothing." This would Not lead to a food fight, " Lets all say that you, John, are the most accomplished and the best here."
    Personally I think we would all prefer the second option.

  15. Please excuse my tardiness, I am deeply sorry. Must have been also working I've been doing. Or not, Seeing as though I'm not Irish. I feel but some people on here are unsatisfied with their lives so they take it out on more successful people. Which is truly a shame. *Ahem* 126 to 250*Ahem*
    But anyways, during my career I mostly traveled. Imperialism more happened around me then affected me. But in more prosperous countries I did see larger audiences then in less prosperous countries. And my one venture to sort of take advantage of imperialism was a flop. So I feel as though imperialism only helped artist in prosperous countries, and hindered those in poor countries.

    1. Please excuse my typos, also-all the, but -that. My English still slips at times!

    2. Helena,

      My name is Harriet Beecher Stowe and it's nice to finally meet you!. I just recently joined this dinner party, also. However, I do agree with your point about how some countries prospered from imerialism, while others didn't. That was a great point to make.

    3. Harriet, I do have to comment that while you were nurtured as an artist during the era of imperialism, it came at a great cost (as you well know). America powered its industry on the backs of an enslaved working class. Your work clearly spells out the injustice and tragedy of that system that made America so very wealthy.

    4. Ms. Andreatis,

      I agree with what you have stated. People weren't used to what I was doing because I spoke out against slavery, and because I was also a woman. Because of imperialsm, I was able to live comfortably and support my family financially. I also had more money so that I could travel around the world on tours and spread the word about how slavery was not the best thing for our country.

      However, as you stated, America becane extremely wealthy because of the enslaved working class. Now, do I think that's a good thing? Yes, and no. I say yes because America found a way to improve it's economy, however, how they did it deturbes me. The government could have easily provided the work the slaves did to people that needed a job to be able to provide for themselves and thier families. The government should have had thought about their decisions before they made them.

    5. Hello Harriet, I am so sorry i am getting back so late,the last course had my stomach bubbling. It is very nice to meet you!

  16. I agree Helena! Glad you could join us!

  17. Hello Helena, it is very nice to see you. I completely agree with your statement about how imperialism helped artists in prosperous countries, but in poor countries it had a negative affect. As i said before, imperialism was beneficial to me because the USA was very prosperous. You lived in California at one point of your lifetime, correct?

  18. Yes ma'am it is. There is where my permanent home was, while I traveled.

    1. Then we both lived in America at some point in our lives! We both prospered from imperialism because our country was positively affected by it.

  19. Helena, please lassie know I am confident with my life not "unsatisfied".

    But you do have a point about Imperialism helping in prosperous countries, I stated that Imperialism benefited only rich countries and took away from poor countries. Adelina I am very glad that you agree with me now. Because earlier you said, " Imperialism is good for everybody!" But I am glad I taught you right.

  20. John you are just a little too, how the young people say, reckless. Please respect the opinions, ideas, and the artists of this dinner table.

    1. I second that!
      Now, to change the subject a little, I'd like to know how imperialism influenced some of our musicians! Anyone care to speak up?

  21. Well personally growing up i was exposed to these changes from a very early age. Our servants would often complain and talk about their money problems. I was experiencing the wealth we were getting from africa so we were definatly loving the new way of thinking, as for you all i dont know how it affected but it wa for the best to me. Let me know what you think

  22. I am a German. Not rich, but not poor. Ms. Adelina asked me to come talk to one of you. That means you, Mr. Brougham!

  23. Thanks for joining, Mr. Schreck! Would you care to explain a little more on why you've joined?

  24. I agree with Ms.Terry, it is very nice too see you, Mr.Shreck. Do you have any views you would like to express with us?

  25. I wrote my work based on these transitions in a way. I wrote and spoke out against slavery, which was highly expressed throughout my work.Imperialsm affected everyone; some good some bad.

  26. Ms. Stowe, I definitely agree with your statement. You lived in America during the age of Imperialism, correct? Was America as prosperous as the United Kingdom was?

  27. I suspect that Mr. Shrek is here to frighten the britches off of Mr. Bourgham. Not necessary as i will do it for him. John dear, it might be in your best interest to explain how terrible life was in Ireland. The British used the Irish in many ways as they did other colonial acquisitions. Life was harsh and perhaps that has left you with grave resentments. Not to worry. You should decide to come to the table in a spirit of collegial discourse and we will welcome your comments. Let's use our research to help answer each others' questions and leave the fussiness aside. Got it?

  28. Now... Let's get back to the question at hand. How did you as artists begin to make changes as life in your societies rapidly changed due to all the changes of your era? You are all white, middle class artists. Did your status in this age of Social Darwinism give you an advantage over other artists?

    1. Ms. Andreatis,

      Because I am white it gave me an advantage greater than African American people, however. Because I was a woman speaking out against slavery it lowered my advantages to a certain extent.

  29. Well i did the weakest failed and the best prevailed. I just happen to be a better musician the the others in my era clearly.

  30. My life changed once I came back into the theatre world. I wasn't working for a long period of time because of my bad reputation. For those who don't remember, I married a 47 year old painter when I was only 16 years old. My parents and siblings, who were also actors, were not as supportive after my first husband and I separated. My life changed once I made my comeback performance in London. I was able to stay financially stable and keep my status. My status did give me an advantage over other artists, because it was easier to travel around England if you had money to do so. If you were poor, it was difficult to promote yourself and your talents.

  31. The American Civil War ended in 1865. Afterwards, many European Immigrants moved to the USA. The immigrant’s first stop was Ellis Island in New York. Because of this, many immigrants settled in the state, making our population size grow. Our population kept increasing throughout the whole 19th century. As a result of a growing population, the audiences of my operas grew as well. Since tickets were selling, this increased my pay.
    Additionally, Social Darwinism gave me an advantage over other artists because of my ethnicity and wealth. I am of European descent, and I had enough money to support myself. These factors resulted in the fact that I had more job opportunities than other artists who were not favored by the theory of Social Darwinism.

  32. Honestly yes Ms. Andreadis being a white male men gave me a big advantage.

  33. I'm so sorry im late in joining this conversation. In my line of work, which is composition, there were many influences from other countries. Like Ms. Patti said in the beginning of this conversation, "...countries extended their power into other countries by force. These powerful countries influenced other countries to adapt to their ways of thinking..." This is shown drastically in music. German composers have greatly influenced me with their traditional music forms. The Italians have also influenced composers and musicians with their romantic era of music. Imperialism has greatly influenced the music world.

    1. Edward,

      Yes they did influence us, well those parts. But I do not think it was right for the US and Britain and France to go and take over Africa, we did not let the Africans naturally evolve. And that should have happened. The US, Britain, and France should have had some respect and let them evolve, alone.

    2. I think your point of view is very interesting, John. How do you think that Africa would be different today if other countries hadn't expanded their powers into the country?

    3. John, by no means am i condoning the actions of the US, Britain, or France. I agree it was the wrong thing to do. I feel that if the bigger countries didn't get involved, that many problems would have been avoided.

  34. Hey guys Its Edmond. I showed my awareness by Touring the world so I could give everyone my music. When racial tension occurred quickly fled fro the scene because I was aware of the situation that was stirring up. Although I was a brilliant musician I knew my boundaries because going to certin places put my safety in jeopardy. These are some ways that showed I was aware.

  35. Ellen Terry you made a comment saying "If you were poor, it was difficult to promote yourself and your talents." I completely agree but with hard work you could achieve.

  36. Hello Edmond, it is very nice to see you. The experiences you shared in your last comment are truly interesting. Do you think that your life as an artist would be different if you were of European descent?

  37. Ms. Terry,

    I have to agree with your statement that 'if you were poor, it was hard for you to promote yourself and your talents.' I find that statement extremely true. Although I've never experienced any kind of financial difficulties, I saw how money and wealth affected others. That was an excellent point you brought up!

  38. I believe it would be, a lot less preduice and it would be easier to just live your life as a happy artist. What do you think?

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Edmond, I believe that people shouldn't judge others because of their race. However, in our time period, many people did. I agree with you that it was probably easier for artists who were of a favorable descent to prosper, rather than other races.

    1. Adelina,

      I find your point very interesting. I agree with how people shouldn't jugde others because of their race. I agree with that 100%. However, don't you think it was extremely hard for the Africans not to judge the white people?

  41. Replies
    1. Thank you, Edmond. I find you very intelligent as well.

  42. Well I didn't have to go through prejudice because... well i'm white! hahaha. Although that doesn't mean I have a happy life as an artist. Everybody has their obstacles. Mine just happened to be very big...

  43. Adelina, I also agree with you so much. People should not be judged based on race or heritage. It should be based solely on talent. Race has no effect on artistic talent.
