Thursday, April 19, 2012

World War I Era Discussion Question 3

The early 20th Century was a time of challenging beliefs and ideas about citizenship. Inequality in society led to an increase in calls for freedom. How did you use conflict and/or cooperation to extend their creative process? What processes did you use to extend beyond the standard beliefs of life prior to this new era of thinking?


  1. I was on Broadway. True some activists for change like Joesephine Baker performed in Ziegfeld shows, but that was after my time. I didn't really deal with that in my upscale life.

  2. In the beginning, I personally believed some people to be superior. After events of my life such as fighting for Germany, my outlook had changed. I honestly believe that playing aristocratic characters and lords did no help in spreading my beliefs of freedom, but I tried my best.

  3. I was a prisoner in my own home when I was a child. Seeing my father treat my sister and mother terribly took a large toll on me. I believe everyone has the right to freedom, however not everyone believes they do. In my work I try to promote freedom in all forms.

    1. That's so sad!! Pardon me, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Hannah Pritchard, I don't believe I'm supposed to be in this room but I stumbled in here (there is some wonderful gin at my dinner party in the other room) and I felt like talking to you lovely people. Lillian I am so sorry to hear you had such a hard childhood! But look at you now, that's amazing how far you have gone! Congratulations!

  4. It seems my colleagues have done more for change than moi. It is great that someone at this party is for freedom. I applaud you both.

  5. I wish that there were more people here at this dinner!

  6. Thank you Lillian, and I most definitely agree with you Mr. Schreck.

  7. Well this is fun. It would be more fun if the other guest showed up.

    1. It is indeed always a drag when guests don't show up on time, tsk tsk on them. But I'm here, that has to count for something. Pardon me, my name is Hannah Pritchard. I'm sorry to interrupt but I wanted to expand my knowledge a bit.

  8. How are you all of you doing?

  9. Sorry I'm late for dinner everyone. Freedom is something that everyone deserves. You should be able to make your own decisions. I have had a very normal childhood, but my life experiences have made me what I am today. I grew up in the States, and I can honestly say, without the freedom of being whatever I wanted to be, and the support of my family, I would not be the amazing architect that I am today.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Sorry I am running late. Anywho.. I also beleive that freedom is essential. Serving on the Western front during World War One taught me that even though men enlisted themselves to fight I can imagine that some were scared and did not want to go and were not able to express that, which I do not agree with.

  12. Hello Mr. Nash! You bring up an interesting point. Freedom is most definitely essential to our well being as humans. May I ask, what do you think of the fact that even though the great and mighty USA tells us that we are all equal and free, but restricts many people from doing what they love?

  13. Wonderful question Ms. Gish! I think that sometimes, even great countries such as the U.S.A., cannot allow total freedom to absolutely everyone.

  14. Jazz is a way in my opinion to express what ever you are feeling in music. That's the way i got all my hits, i put feeling into them real feelings.

  15. I agree with Mr. Schreck, a country cannot have total freedom. Without certain restrictions, it might not even be safe to leave the security of your home. Laws are meant for the well being of the people of that country, most of the time... What kind of things are you talking about that are being restricted Ms. Gish?

  16. Well, even though the Constitution tells us we have freedom of speech, we truly don't. Many plays and movies have been banned because of subject matter. I hope in the future everyone is able to be equal and happy.

  17. Yes, this is called censorship, and is the bane of us actors, as well as our fellow writers.

  18. I completely agree with you Mr. Crane. A country can never have complete freedom because of laws. The people have to have some restrictions because with out it chaos is definite. ( like you said most of the time)

  19. Chaos would be quite unfortunate, would it not? Imagine a world without laws. How would we organize plays? Or build theaters and museums? Paint excellent pieces? It would be almost impossible.

  20. I am glad there are laws, however I do wish that we had more freedom to express ourselves.

  21. Ms. Gish that is a very good question! I think that even though the United States gives us free speech and equality there must be some restrictions considering the fact that with out it there would be no structure. But I don't agree with the fact that since we have "freedom" we still in some cases cannot express ourselves sometimes the way that we would like too. For example with our art!

  22. But art may be restricted, if the government does not like it.

  23. We should be able to express whatever we would like, as long as it is confined to our art.

  24. I completely agree with you. Do you feel that your art was not allowed to be expressive?

  25. Ms. Gish your past two coments I agree with I strongly believe

  26. Ms. Gish this is a valid statement. Art could be restricted by the government because they don't like it. But all I am saying is that since might be the case, it is not fare to us or others that we cannot express ourselves the way we would like to. I do not have say in the way society makes changes but I do believe that it could have been something looked at.

  27. Mr. Nash, I would have to disagree with you last statment. I believe that you and artists around the world can make changes in society through there work. We all express how we feal about society through our individual art style. We, the people of the whole world's decisions now, will affect the way our grandchilden, and there grandchildren live. We can society.
