Thursday, April 19, 2012

Era of Imperialism Discussion Question 3

The age of imperialism was a time of conquest, empire and riches for some while others experienced marginalization, powerlessness and poverty. This led to struggle and controversy among different groups. How did you use conflict and/or cooperation to expand your creative processes? What processes did you use to extend your knowledge and understanding of the global issues in this era?


  1. (Irish Accent)
    I went to places that were benefiting from this conquest. But that doesn't mean that I was not aware of the people's difficulties around the world. for crying out loud I was brought up in poverty and had no father or mother. To come up with a new plot, I would think of all the possible hardships people might be experiencing.

  2. (Irish Accent)
    C'mon ye lazy sack a' bums!

  3. Being from England, I was only aware of the benefits from my country's expansion. I was aware of the poverty, but to be honest, I only thought the countries were already in poverty before my country colonized them. I thought we were helping economically and politically. With that said, I didn't really expand my knowledge on the poverty stricken countries because I thought they were well of financially, like I was and like most people in England.

    All I thought about was my career and my art, and what I could do to improve.

  4. Well I will give you no grief about not knowing about the negative affects, and I too was thinking about self-improvement. You defended your arrogance very well and nobody should hold anything against you for it.

    1. Look who's the lazy sack now...Notice I waited longer than four minutes to call you lazy...

    2. Smart one aren't you...Helena Mod-what?

  5. When I was 13 the Crimean War began. Seeing all the pain and destruction made me want to fight for my country, but with my words. I love my country very much, and I wanted to bring honor to it by acting. So it's safe to say I began acting because of conflicts around the world. And seeing those places where living situations were so terrible made me want to help. So I did as much as I could and started my foundation.

  6. Just like Helena, my country participated in wars when I was growing up. I moved to America in 1848. I was five years old. That same year, the USA won the Mexican-American War. Also during that time, my country was in war with Cayuse. It was known as the Cayuse War. The USA won this war in 1850, when I was approximately seven years old.
    I was too young to understand what was going on in the world when these wars were taking place. However, when I got to be a little older, I found these events very interesting. I read old newspaper articles about the wars to fully understand them. Since the USA won both wars, my country benefited from both events.
    Additionally, imperialism was a huge event that affected my life. My country was expanding into other countries, and we gained more money. This resulted in our economy growing. Since the economy was prosperous, people had more money in general. This meant that they had enough money to come to the opera. Consequently, I gained more money. I used this extra money to expand my art and bought a castle with my own theater in it. I was free to perform on stage whenever I pleased. Overall, there were many important global events that took place during my lifetime, and I made sure I was educated about them. I also prospered from the growing economy that was a result of imperialism during my life.

  7. The age of Imperialism benefited everywhere that I performed, London, and all over America. How ever I lost all my money one time on ship to this new game, poker. Well Imperialism made America a wealthy country therefore it was easier for me to get back on my feet. After losing all my money I did get back on my feet and well, I saved up enough money from performing and writing plays for other theaters, I used the money I got to open up a theater. Without Imperialism taking place I would not have been able to get back on my feet and might have ended up homeless.

  8. Adelina,
    During the war years, did the USA prosper? Or was it after the war that the economy became prosperous?
    I've concluded that Imperialism has benefited most of us here at this dinner table! Like Adelina said, people were making more money during this time, and began spending this money on entertainment like symphonies, operas, art shows, sharing writings, and plays! Even those who were struck by colonization were performing and spreading the arts around. The age of Imperialism is a perfect time for expanding countries and wealth and arts! Wouldn't you agree, dearies?

  9. I agree with you Ellen, the age of imperialism was a great time for expanding wealth and arts into other countries.
    Also to answer your question, the economy in the USA prospered after the wars occurred. Obviously, wars create tough times for all countries that participate in them. However, since my country won both of the wars, our economy prospered afterwards. This affected me because I only lived in America for a few years during the war. The Mexican-American War and the Cayuse war had both ended once I reached the age of seven. For the majority of my time in the USA, our economy was prospering from imperialism and from winning these two wars.

  10. Well conflict did effect my carrier, racist tension caused me to flee from a gig once. What that told me was to never go to that part of the world again! Ha ha but really what I learned from that is that not everyone thinks the same way you do and sadly I had to learn that the hard way. I used that to broaden my music choice to more than classical.

  11. John Brougham was poverty your only major conflict in your carrier?

  12. I personally used conflict frequently in my compositions. It was a great inspiration to the feeling and mood of the music. It caused my songs to become more than notes, they had hidden feelings and tones. It was up to the audience to find what the story behind the music was. It could be anything they wanted it to be.

    During war times my music became harsh and march like. During times of peace my music became melodious and beautiful. My music sounded like what was going on in the world around me.

  13. Although I'm from Connecticut, I moved around a lot to different states throughout my whole life. Because of that I was given the opportunity of being able to be taught the knowledge of the other countries' trageties and accomplishments. I knew about a lot of things that were happening throughout the world, but I mostly focused on slavery. I prospered in my career based off of that event. I really didn't use conflict in my career, unless I felt as if something needed to be adressed or "brought to the light" for every one to see the truth. However, what I wrote about and how I expressed myself throughout those writings, caused many conflicts. Abraham Lincoln calls me "the little lady that started the war." He said that because I published "Uncle Tom's Cabin." (a book based off the story of a slave and his struggles)

  14. I have a question for you guys. What point in time in your life did you experience any kind of affect towards slavery. It can be positive or negative affects but if you had any, please share!

    1. I never truly encountered slavery, myself. However, I knew it was occurring in my country. I lived in the USA. I don't agree with slavery, and I think it is unfair. However, slavery was legal in my country at the time.

    2. I myself never felt the direct affects of slavery. I was in England where there wasn't a lot of slavery at this time period.Slavery was a bad thing and I personally believe that is is very wrong.

  15. Well I never really endured any slavery but, I did have to flee and country because of racist people! I guess that counts.

  16. Hi, I'm Pierre de Marivaux and I thought I would join some other discussions also. Edmond Dede, may I ask what kind of music do you play?

  17. Hell Pierre I mostly play classical, the best kind of music!

  18. My favorite genre! It is very difficult and beautiful. How did you start your career off? It seems like it would be hard to make your living off of just the violin?

  19. We have so much in common! I started from my father a fellow musician. Oh trust me it was at one point and time I had to work at a cigar factor because the violin only wasn't bringing home the bacon.

  20. Well pierre, I have met you before on one of my trips back from the bathroom, Hello again sir. Harriet, I despise slavery and never took any part in it. Well you do not really need slaves in theater. I also have a question, has anybody here opened a facility for their particular art, say a theater, publishing company stc.

  21. Edmond and Pierre, I can't help but notice that you are speaking of classical music. I sing classical music. We have many things in common.

  22. California wasn't a slave state so I never had any, nor did my neighbors. When ever I did shows, you cannot really see the audiences. Although, I don't think there were any positive effects. I did see mistreatment towards minorities in other countries, like during war times towards refugees.

  23. New York was the state that slaves were in-ported and exported in. Consequently, I saw many horrific slavery events occur in my state. I do not agree with slavery and I think it is unfair. However at the time, some states legalized slavery.

  24. I'm extremely happy to hear that everyone os against slavery! I also think that slavery is unfair to the Africans because they had no type of chance. Very few white people believed they were even worthy of living like a human being; they were considered animals to them. I find that extremely disturbing to me because I see the Africans as the same as us white folk, with just a different skin color. I find slavery very sad, and I believe that slavery brought bad things on to our country.

  25. Slavery just shows the hipocracy in the American Declaration of Independence. As well as other American things. Dont get me wrong I love America, why else would I pick it as my home after Ive seen the world? But while Americans were fighting for natural human rights, we were taking away anothers.

  26. I am also against slavery, but it's hard to say that my country is against it. This is the era of Imperialism, the era in which countries when into other lands and took over. Slavery was a major factor during this time period. Slavery was a reason for our prosperous country. Now, I believe that enslaving a person and making them work with not a good amount of pay is completely wrong! But, didn't most of us here benefit from the resources of slavery?
