Monday, May 7, 2012

Final Step: Reflection

You have created an amazing body of work here! Now that you have finished your research and discussed issues pertaining to the arts and society, it is time to reflect on the process and what you have learned. Follow the GWCTD Step 8 to complete the last part of your assignment. These comments should be in YOUR voice (not your artist's voice).

1. How do you think the time period in which a person lives affects their ability to create?

2. Name one artist from this year's project (other than your own) whose work struck you in some way. Explain why you think so.

3. Name the single most important work created by your artist (in your opinion). Explain your answer.

4. How did using biography to do research help you to understand the society and culture where artists live and work?

5. What did you learn about yourself (as a burgeoning artist) from doing this project?

6. Any other comments?

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Between World Wars Era Discussion Question 3

Between World Wars Era Discussion Question 2

During the time between the World Wars, economic hardship plagued many parts of the world. In some places the 1920's was a time of economic boom while others were in dire straights.  Did you experience increased financial security in this era that allowed you to create new works of art? Was financial security necessary in order to be an artist?

Between World Wars Era Discussion Question 1

In the years following World War I and before World War II, people many nations struggled through economic hardship that brought about political change. During this time there were people who were willing to give up some freedoms for economic security. Others were fighting for greater freedom within their communities. Explain how artists in your era showed an awareness of these societal changes.

World War I Era Discussion Question 3

The early 20th Century was a time of challenging beliefs and ideas about citizenship. Inequality in society led to an increase in calls for freedom. How did you use conflict and/or cooperation to extend their creative process? What processes did you use to extend beyond the standard beliefs of life prior to this new era of thinking?

World War I Era Discussion Question 2

During the first two decades of the 20th Century, increased availability of goods and ideas from around the world gave artists accessibility to the world outside of where they lived. New technology was making communication faster and more widespread as well.  Did you experience increased financial security in this era that allowed you to create new works of art? Was financial security necessary in order to be an artist?

World War I Era Discussion Question 1

In the years preceding WWI, people were looking to actively participating in their communities. Depending on who you were, there was a push to fight against racial, gender or social class barriers. Explain how artists in your era showed an awareness of fighting against these societal barriers and how they expressed the changing society.

Era of Imperialism Discussion Question 3

The age of imperialism was a time of conquest, empire and riches for some while others experienced marginalization, powerlessness and poverty. This led to struggle and controversy among different groups. How did you use conflict and/or cooperation to expand your creative processes? What processes did you use to extend your knowledge and understanding of the global issues in this era?

Era of Imperialism Discussion Question 2

Imperialism brought an increase in new goods and ideas from around the world. Nations with large colonial holdings saw an increase of wealth that in turn created a desire for goods and services. How did increased financial security in this era help you create new works. Was financial security necessary in order to be an artist? Explain.

Era of Imperialism Discussion Question 1

The age of imperialism was a time of transition around the globe. As control of territories changed, citizens' ways of interacting in their communities also changed. Explain how artists in your era showed an awareness of these changes.

Industrial Era Discussion Question 3

The Industrial Era was a time of changing societies. How did you use conflict or cooperation to extend your creative process? What ways did that speak to the many differences that were taking place in your world?

Industrial Era Discussion Question 2

Industrialization brought great wealth to some and absolute poverty to many. How did having a background of financial stability help artists in your era to create great works of art? Was financial security necessary in order to be an artist? Explain.

Industrial Era Discussion Question 1

The Industrial Era was a time of technological change that in turn caused citizens to have to participate in new ways. People began to interact in with members of their communities in new ways as well. Explain how artists in your era showed their awareness of these changes.

Revolutionary Era Discussion Question 3

The Revolutionary Era was a time of challenging traditional beliefs. How did you as an artist use conflict and/or cooperation to extend your creative process? What ways did you attempt to go beyond the standards of living that were in place prior to the Revolutionary Era?